March 1, 1888
Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 81 yers old
to day
March 1, 1888
Emma Smith Woodruff
Born March 1, 1838
Aged 50 years old
this day
Thus my life has been
preserved fo 81 years
My Brother Thompson
is 83 years of Age
still living, but blingd
My brother Azmon
is 85 but quite feeble
I have been in the
Church 54 years last
December I pray the
Lord to give me power
to finish my labors on
the Earth in a way and
Manner that will be
Acceptable unto Him
The United States
Government are now
siezing the church property
through a receiver and
what the End will be God
ownly Knows May his will
be done
This is my Birth day I Am 81 years old this
day And my wife Emma Smith Woodruff
is 50 years old this day I have had a vary
busy day Brother G Q. Cannon and Charles
Wilckken & H. B. Clawson & Brother Thurman
called upon me & spent most of the day with
me I signed 30 recommends & received
30 Letters I wrote 15 Letters among the Number
to Jaques ^&^ Mary Olson Bulah & children
took dinner with us I used my influence
against a Bill in the Legislature to tax the
People of Utah 8 per cent upon all taxable
property $176065.57
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I have been in the Church 54 years last December I pray the Lord to give me power to finish my labors on the Earth in a way and Manner that will be Acceptable unto Him The United States Government are now siezing the Church property through a receiver and what the End will be God ownly Knows May his will be done
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