Day in the Life

Jan 14, 1888

Journal Entry

January 14, 1888 ~ Saturday

14 A vary cold day Thermometer ten 10 degrees below zero °
Owen Rode a Horse 40 Miles to ogden & came near
An arrow freezing to death, his right Ear was frozen stiff He
was sick all night Clara was some better


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
419 mentions


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Letter from William Spry, 14 January 1888
Chattanooga, Tenn., . Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: Your letter of the 4th inst advising me of my appointment to the presidency of this Mission, was received yesterday through President John Morgan. I will not express my surprise at one so young as myself, being called to fill such a grave and responsible position, but state my willingness to honor the call made upon me, and discharge the duties connected with my office, accord- ing to the strength and wisdom the Lord may give unto me. My desires are to see truth and righteousness spread over the land and under the guidance of the Spirit of God, and the cooperation of my


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Jan 14, 1888