Day in the Life

Feb 1, 1888

Journal Entry

February 01, 1888 ~ Wednesday

Feb 1. signed 55 Recommends Received Letters 20 Pub
A hand pointing to the right 5 Private, wrote 12 Letters 10 public, 2 private I had
a Hard days work I cannot write the particulars

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Letter from Arthur Stayner, 1 February 1888
President Woodruff Dear Brother I take the liberty of enclosing my reply to the letter of Bro Jacob F. Gates which you mentioned, with the respectful wish that as Bro Gates' letter was read before you and the brethren my reply may be likewise honored. I may be asking too much of you ^in^ consideration of your perils and inconveniences, to request another interview, before you decide on what action you take on this important matter, and I would not ask it for myself, but the magnitude of the interest involved constrains me, and that I may leave no exertion unused I do ask for the privilege of seeing you or any of the brethren you may suggest that I may have further opportunity of laying before you the values of this industry. Very respectfully Arthur Stayner
Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 1 February 1888
Provo City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, After the beginning of our second semester (Jan. 9.) and with an attendance of about 215 thus far, we find that in spite of the many adverse circumstan- ces arising from the present crusade, this Academy is well sustained by the people from outside of Provo. All our upper departments are crowded with students from allmost every county of Utah and some from Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada. Unfortunately a serious attack of lung fever has prostrated me for the last week, this being my first attempt at work again today. The return of Bro. Marion Tanner was providential, in as much as he was able to step in and kindly consented to con- duct my classes to the end of this week. The fin- ances of this institution asre in as precarious a condition as ever. The raising of the salary of Bro. Talmage from $1200 to $1400 annual by the Board means simply so much more out of the pockets of the other teachers; the balance due me alone on the first half of the present school year
Letter from David Morgan Williams, 1 February 1888
(?) [sideways text] I have read this as you wished it seems to me that the mans mind is confused or that he is very much in the dark and inclined to lunacy. He makes charges altogether inconsistent and untrue G. R [end of sideways text]


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Feb 1, 1888