Day in the Life

Feb 18, 1888

Journal Entry

February 18, 1888 ~ Saturday

18 I spent the day in the House we had a hard snow storm
Ovando & Owen Moved the col coal House I was sick all
day & night with my cold


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Beebe, Ovando Collins
14 May 1867 - 27 Dec 1928
194 mentions

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Letter from George Howard Baugh, 18 February 1888

Baugh, G. H. Logan 2/18/88 Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your Circular letter to hand notifying me that I had been called to fill a Mission to the Southern States. I deem it my duty to respond to the call and will make arrangements accordingly

Letter from Henry Eyring, 18 February 1888

[end of sideways text] Eyring, Henry 1a Calle de Soto No 2 Mexico, February 18th 1888 Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. Your kind favor of the 17th ult. enclosing draft for $100.00 came duly to hand, and would have been promptly answered, had I known your address. In conformity with your instructions I released Bro. Williams & wife to return to Chihuahua and to labor in that region under the direction of Elder Helaman Pratt, as you suggested. They are here yet, but will leave as soon as arrangments are made to meet them at the R. R. station nearest to the colony. I have also released Bro. F. A. Lara a native of this country, who arrived here from Utah 18 months ago; he seemed to be desirous of attending to his own affairs here and I thought we could spare him. When Bro. Williams and wife leave, there will be five left, viz: Elder Erastus B. Snow and wife, Elders Rogers & Collett and myself. The prospect in the mission is not flattering; quite a number had lately made enquiries in regard to the gospel, but scarcely any have retained their interest. I fear that our principles are too pure for many of this people, and when they find that they have to lead new lives, the necessary courage fails them. We are not discouraged, for we rely firmly upon the promises of God, but feel it our duty to represent facts to you. Especially is this the case, as the brethren of the Twelve have been very generous in furnishing

Letter from Andrew Jenson, 28 February 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff and Members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Dear Brethren: I feel impressed to write again to the Council of the Twelve concerning my historical labors. Hitherto I have received no material aid from any source whatever, except from ^the^ general subscription fees from regular subscribers; and neither can I consistantly look for any such encouragement from any public funds outside the Church, as long as I confine my labors to ecclesiastical affairs. Among the tasks which I have already accomplished, and to which I like to draw your espescial attention is the history of the Salt Lake Stake of Zion, including histories of all the wards, etc., which I have published in the "Historical Record", a copy of which I here- with present the Council. (See pages 273–343.) I contemplate writing up all the other Stakes in a similar manner, but in order to this I need some

Letter to Newton Woodruff, 18 February 1888

My Dear Newton I will write a few lines to you as I am writing to your Mother I No have No special News to give you ownly what you get daily from papers & rumours unless it is this that the Devil ant Dead but I Expt you know that to. I am glad to hear you are getting along so well with your ploughing I hope you can get in your wheat Early and raise a crop so you can have sumthing to dispose of. It seems Brother Cannon is in a Bad fix Badd Badly bruised up & the Hands of his Enemies I find it as all I can do to keep out of their hands We are having spring weather people are Ploughing here as well as with you. I am in fair health but at present I am shut up close with no Exercise Day or Night I wonder that I am as well as I am I came Near being caught by Marshals which is not a pleasant sensation


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Feb 18, 1888