Day in the Life

Feb 20, 1888

Journal Entry

February 20, 1888 ~ Monday

20 I spent the day in the House quite poorl I had interview with G Q C


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2266 mentions

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Letter from Thomas D. Brown, 20 February 1888

Harrisville Dear Brother I receved your letter dated the 11th I am willing ^to^ do what I can and at your call if the 12th of May will do it will suat me better if not iI will go on the 10th of Aprel I am at your call from Thomas D Brown Harrisville to Brother Wilford Woodruff P. G. Taylor. Bishop

Letter from George Frederick Jarvis, 20 February 1888

St Georg President Woodruff Dear Brother Your favor of ^the^ 11th inst. was duly received. In reply I will say, that I will do all that I posibly can to be ready to leave S. L. City April 10th God being my helper. I have a new Wagon and a good young horse that I am trying to dispose of in order to get sufficient means to take me to my field of labor. I felel confident that God will assist me in this matter as I know him to be my friend. With kind regards and fervent prayers for you, and all associated with you in council I remain your Brother Geo. F. Jarvis.

Letter to Christopher J. Kempe, 20 February 1888

CHRISTOPHER I. KEMPE P. M. HELENE M. KEMPE, Ass't UNITED STATES POST OFFICE ERASTUS, APACHE CO., ARIZ. Feb 20th 1888 Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother! Considering the great amount of Labour and Reponsibility resting upon you since the death of Pres. Taylor I have refrained from writing to you feeling your time too Valuable to notice Individuals private affairs, at present however a special circumstance incourage me to send you these few lines. I have namely a son who is now 21 years of age he is good and faithful in the Gospel is unmarried Is has some means and I feel is now about in as good a situa- tion as he will ever be to go on a mission he has once spoken Danish well but has mostly forgotten it Pres. Udell said some 3 months ago he would recommend him to go to Denmark or Norway but the other

Letter from Mathias C. Lund, 20 February 1888

Plain City . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. Yours of the 11 inst to hand, I cheerfully comply with your request calling me to go on a mission to Scandinavia. Will endeavoor to do so by the assestence of my Heavenly Father, to the best of my ability. Will be on hand to leave for my field of labor May the 12th 1888. Your Brother in the Gospel Mathias C Lund Geo. W. Bramwell, Jr., Bp.


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Feb 20, 1888