Day in the Life

Mar 6, 1888

Journal Entry

March 06, 1888 ~ Tuesday

March 6, 1888
A hand pointing to the right I signed 10 Recommends I received 20 Letters
I wrote 16 Letters wrote to Sarah Asahel A caucus
was held at the social Hall Most of the Twelve
met with the Legislature I did not attend


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
707 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
706 mentions


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Letter from James Poulsen, 6 March 1888
President Wilford Woodruf Dear Bro. Your letter bearing date Mar 1st is at hand In answer to such will say I am willing to fulfill the requirement made of me to the best of my ability God being my helper and will name the 12th of May next as the time to start, agreeable to your will. Rsp Your Bro in the Gospel of Peace J Poulsen
Letter to Joseph Fielding Smith, 6 March 1888
Salt Lake City, U. T. . Elder Joseph F. Smith, Washington, D. C. Dear Brother: Your letters of the 24th & 29th ult. have been received, the last one having just come to hand, and been perused with considerable interest. I was very glad to hear of your movements, and that you are taking the business of the emigration in hand so promptly and pursuing your investiga- tions so thoroughly. You will now be in a position to decide understandingly as to which is the best and safest route for the people to travel by. Your familiarity with the Guion Steamships and the methods they employ will enable you to judge with


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Mar 6, 1888