Day in the Life

Mar 15, 1888

Journal Entry

March 15, 1888 ~ Thursday

15 A hand pointing to the right I signed 34 Recommends I received 27 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters wrote to Asahel Lambert M E Cook
I spent the day in council. The spirit of the Lord was
with us I called upon Elias Smith and administered to him ^I administerd to Mary E Cook^


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Letter from Alexander Findlay Macdonald, 15 March 1888
Arizona, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. S. L. City, Utah. Dear Brother, Your favor of Feb 28th reached me a few days ago, was pleased to hear from you and that my feelings are releived by the explanation you give. Assuring you that I have no soreness on the appointment of a President for the Stake; neither do I claim the right to be consulted in any change you may see proper to make. Such soreness as I do feel grows out of offences towards me in Mexico, coupled with the (to me) unexpected change here having been sustained during three years absence, and dropt when within three days travel of home I have been aware for over a year past


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Mar 15, 1888