Day in the Life

Aug 20, 1888

Journal Entry

August 20, 1888 ~ Monday

20 A hand pointing to the right I signed 45 Recommends I received 27 Letters
I wrote 13 public Letters I Attended the Theater in the
Evening and saw the Great Magicion Herrmann
perform his Black art among other things He cut off a
womans Head all which looked Natural. I spent the night
at Brother ^John McDonalds^


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Letter to James Zebulon Stewart, 20 August 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Judge J. Z. Stewart, Logan. Dear Brother: A letter of yours, addressed to Brother Geo. Reynolds, Secretary of the General Board of Education, under the date of the 14th, inst., has been received and handed by him to me. The reason your letter to me upon the same subject was not answered was that I was awaiting a meeting of the General Board, when the subject men- tioned could be taken into consideration. The circumstances of your Stake, having already a Board of Trustees for the B. Y. College, which is an institution that is established upon the plan that we wish to have adopted, make your position different to that of almost any other Stake, excepting perhaps Utah. We do not think it would be advisable to have two Boards in the same Stake, having the same duties to perform, when one Board would answer the purpose. I am informed by Brother Geo. W. Thatcher that there are three Trustees now on the Board of the B. Y. College who are absent, and who are unable to

Letter to Hugh Sidley Gowans, 20 August 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, . President Hugh S. Gowans, President of the Toole Stake Board of Education. Dear Brother: Your favor of the 15th. inst. has been received and perused with interest and pleasure. The effort which is being made to rear a building of such a cost for Stake ^educational^ purposes at Grantsville is very gratifying, and we only regret that you have not been more successful in getting it into such a condition as to be able to use it immediately. You speak of receiving help, which you will give security for and repay at an early date. You do not state the nature or extent of the help that you ask for. You doubtless are aware that the Church has found it necessary to surrender a large amount of property to the Receiver, in order to put an end to the unpleasant proceedings that were in progress to secure this property. This leaves us cramped for means, especially as we have very many calls made upon us that are connected with the present attack upon us, and which call forth defensive operations by us. The same causes of which you speakā€”the loss of

Letter from Elizabeth Jefford Drake Ballam Davis Roundy, 20 August 1888

Salt Lake City Aug 20th 1888 Pres. W. Woodruff Dear Brother you will perhaps remember that last spring I wrote you for your approval and blessing that I might visit England to visit my mother and gather records of my dead relatives and friends also of my four children that died in London whose records were lost through travelling and moving as I have had to do during my life since their birth I found my mother still living but almost blind being 86 years old she was very glad to see me or rather hear me she knew my

Letter from William J. Kelson, 20 August 1888

Salt Lake City President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: Your letter of the 14 inst. is at hand. In Reply to your request for my feelings as to accepting a mission to great Britain. I wish to state that i am willing to go and will try to be on hand by the 10th of October, 1888 Your Brother in the Gospel, William J Kelson I indorse the above Alexander McRae Bp. 11th Ward.

Letter from William Henry Seegmiller, 20 August 1888

Richfield Presdt W Woodruff Dear Bro: The mail of Saturday last brought news of my appointment by the Governor in connection with many others as a delegate to a convention to be held in Denver Colorado to consi der the subject of establishing a deep fort on the Texas Coast. Of course this is a new thing to me, In view of New York and [Eachre] treatment generally to our Emgrants, and the present and prospee tive policy of locating our people in Mexico and the South. I am concerned to know if you and the Brethren favor the movement if so and you think I had better honor the appointment please telegraph me, and I will carry out your wishes. go, or all right will be sufficient or not particular if such is the view. Bro. John Henry Smith stated at our last meeting in Salt Lake that he would be at our conference, it will be held next Saturday and Sunday we will be pleased to have him at others you may designate and will arrange for their transportation from Juab, Nephi or Chester if informed of a prograem. (over)


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Aug 20, 1888