Day in the Life

Aug 21, 1888

Journal Entry

August 21, 1888 ~ Tuesday

21 A hand pointing to the right I signed 17 Recommends. I received 14 Letters
I wrote 2 Letters to 2 Sarah & Mary spent at McDonalds


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Woodruff, Mary, b. 1867
26 Oct 1867 - 15 Feb 1903
170 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter from Charles Ora Card, 21 August 1888
Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah u. s. a. Dear Brother Your very gratifying favor of the 3rd inst just received and its contents perused with great pleasure and I must state with more than usial satisfaction It is wonderful how the Lord has softened the hearts of the leading men of our nation. It caused the hearts of the sts of this Colony to rejoice to learn that the Temple of Salt Lake and the entire block were exempt and the prospects so fair for the preservation of the other holy struc- tures from the grasp and graratification of the greed of the wicked who thurst for Blood and spoils. I hope that you may be able to so far establish claims to other property prior to 18862 that it will be as a ram in the thicket for us all. Dreadful will be the day when the vengeanse of God is poured out upon the wicked and they have to drink deep of the bitter cup they have doled out to the saints since the advent of the Gospel in this dispensation.
Letter from Charles Innes Robson, 21 August 1888
Arizona Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother yours of the 14th came duly to hand this morning. In regard to our water interests. The lists as you received it stood 23 shares short of a majority since then we have added 5 more shares to the list. These were owned by Brethenrn who were not at home when it was circulated and 5 1/2 shares we have bought at a cost of $1925.00 on this Amount we are paying 2 per cent per month. This leaves us 12 1/2 shares behind. When Bp Preston was here we hade borrowed $1050.00We refered the matter to him he told us we could get more money to do so and save all that we could. We borrowed $875.00 more and at the time I wrote last had arranged for $350.00 more but failed. Since that time 5 shares have gone out side. This is our condition at present with the exception there is two shares in the hands of Bp Winder belonging to the James T Willson matter & they are retsired will bring
Letter from William Henry Seegmiller, 21 August 1888
Richfield Presdt W Woodruff Dear Bro: Yours of Aug 14th in which was enclosed Sept R. W. Rassmussens com- munication was received. I enclose a statement from Bro W. H Clark relative to his situation, Also two clippings from the Richfield advocate. While I am sorry Bro Clark is behind and have had many conversations with him about it I do think Bro Rassmussens efforts are more seasoned with prejudice, animus, and a desire to become politically influential than is necessary and becoming. His conduct seems to our late late Election as a political agitator, a candidate for preferrment, and ^promissory^ a distributor of political patronage, has gained friends in the Liberal Party but caused him to loose them in the Peoples Party. He was run in opposition to the People’s ticket for Mayor of Richfield and beaten. Since the school trustees failed to employ [redacted text] [redacted text] has been personally engaged circulating a petition asking them to do so. One of the assistant Lady teachers was shocked to learn from the other lady teacher that Bro Rasmussen had stated that he would have her if he had to ruin her to accomplish it. This lady had permitted him more familiarity and carressing than was proper. At the ^same^ time, she was engaged to a mission ary in the Southern States, who has since married her. (over)


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Aug 21, 1888