Day in the Life

Aug 25, 1888

Journal Entry

August 25, 1888 ~ Saturday

25 I spent the day at the farm Making cider & choring
I was quite weary at night


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Letter from Andrew Kornberg Andersen, 21 August 1888
Ephraim . President W. Wodriuff Dear Brother Your kind favour of the 16 inst. notifiying me of a mission to Scandinavia has been duly received. In answer I will say that I am thankfull for the call, that if I am worthy, I am willing and trying to make myselve ready to start Oct 10th 1888. Yours very truly Brother in the Gospel Andrew K Andersen C. C. N. Dorius Bp.
Letter from David King Udall, 25 August 1888
St. Johns, Ariz. . Prest. W. Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Your favor of the 14th inst received, I regret very much to learn of the aggreived condition of Bro. A. M. Tenney's feelings in regard to the decision of the High Council of this Stake in relation to the difficulties between bro. Tenney and the St. Johns Printing and Publishing Company. All of the Presidency of the Stake weare interested parties in the case, we wrote you concerning how the High Council should be organized under these circumstances, and in your letter of March the 10th you in structed us that the oldest High Coun cillor should preside. After due notice


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Aug 25, 1888