Day in the Life

Aug 24, 1888

Journal Entry

August 24, 1888 ~ Friday

24 A hand pointing to the right I signed ^43^ Recommends, I received 45 Letters
I wrote ^8^ Letters pub[lic]. I went to the farm & spent the night


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Letter to Karl Gottfried Maeser, 24 August 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Professor Karl G. Maeser, Dear Brother: The news that you write to me about the opening of your Academy and the good prospect that you have for a numerous attendance of pupils is very gratifying. Brother Alma Greenwood came to the City but I was not able to see him; he had an interview, however, with Brother George Reynolds, Secretary of the Board, who was able to give him the information upon the points he needed. As to the application of Brother Stewart for you to furnish the principal for the Church Academy to be started in Mexico I know nothing. It would be well for him, if he has any propositions to make, to address the General Board of Education upon the subject so that whatever is done may be done understandingly. In an interview with Brother Hart he mentioned the case of Brother Hanisch and informed us that he had been invited to teach at the Salt Lake Academy. We did not get any hint from him that Brother Hanisch had been sent for by the Bear Lake Stake people with the view of employing him there. If we had we might not have sug- gested the course that we did. We thought that he had gone up there on a private

Letter from Susa Amelia Young Gates, 24 August 1888

Laie. . Wilford Woodruff, Pres. of the Church of Latter-Day Saints: Dear Brother: There is a weighty matter which I wish to lay before you, and upon which I desire your counsel and decision. I humbly pray the Spirit of the Lord may dictate my words and pen: Perhaps a brief outline or history of the subject will be as fitting an introduction as any I might choose. Sometime last winter, in January I believe, my husband and I were discussing the future as it related to my literary labors and aspirations. I had been making an effort to introduce some of my articles in the Eastern magazines with the hope that in a quiet and humble way, I might place before the reading public of America the real facts of the Mormon

Letter from William C. Rydalch, 24 August 1888

Grantsville, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: I desire a personal inter- view with you at as early a date as convenient to you. Will you please to notify me when I can be thus favored, and thus oblige, Your Brother in the Gospel, W. C. Rydalch

Letter from Jensen Jensen, 24 August 1888

Dear Brother President Woodruff I am Bishop Jensen of Salina. and would like a word of counsil is was counsiled to leave my home by the stake President and go to the wilderness where I now am two years ago and being gone one year from the Bishop sick I found my counselors could not manage the ward and I positively could not be there so I resined which were except excepted were I doing right in this am I atl iberty to go where I please as the country I am in are a wilderness and I can do no other good than look after what few stock I have got and can scascely visit my family with out I am in great danger


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Aug 24, 1888