Day in the Life

Sep 1, 1888

Journal Entry

September 01, 1888 ~ Saturday

Sept 1. I spent the day Making cider watering Matters & trees
& choping wood. I was choping wood

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Letter from Charles Ora Card, 1 September 1888
C. O. Card Lees Creek Rec Sept 26 [18]88 [end of sideways text] Card, C. O. Lees Creek Alberta Canada Sep. 1st 1888 Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah U.S.A Dear Brother Realizing that the time for Con- ference is near, and just prior to these soul inspiring feasts, Israels hosts are usially computed, I herwith enclose to you a brief report of our little Colony At this writing. We are all in the enjoyment of good health and peace. We are also in possession of enough of the comforts of life, to sustain and clothe our temporal bodies. We commenced harvesting on the 27th ultimo and it is very gratifying to state our crops exceed our expectations. We have raised three kinds of wheat, the Odessa, Sonora and Scotch Fife; the former is a winter wheat and was sown as follows. September October and November ^of last year with^ good results from every acre sown The Sonora and Scotch Fife are spring grains and done well, In fact it is hard to decide which is the best. We have also raised 2 kinds of Barley and three kinds of oats. Barley and oats are sure crops here


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Sep 1, 1888