Day in the Life

Aug 31, 1888

Journal Entry

August 31, 1888 ~ Friday

31 A hand pointing to the right I signed 33 Recommends. I received 25 letters
I wrote 4 Letters 2 Pub[lic], & to J Jack to take $20 for Ira
Tithing & wrote Malinda Hatch sent her $5 for Photograph
I went to the farm & spent the Night 3 Miles


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Hatch, Melinda Woodruff
15 Dec 1826 - 29 Mar 1893
63 mentions


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Letter to John Henry Smith, 31 August 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Elder John Henry Smith, Dear Brother: Wesley and Phoebe Jones, now of Tonto basin, Snowflake Stake, fell into transgression before marriage. She had received her endow- ments. They have been rebaptized and the High Council have, by permission from me, investigated the case and consented to this; but she has not had her former blessings sealed upon her. The woman writes in a most piteous manner to me for this to be done that she may have the privilege of going to the House of the Lord and being sealed to her husband. The case is one of somewhat long standing and deserves consideration, from the humble and penitent spirit which the two have manifested. I have written to her by this mail stating that when you attend Conference there you will seal upon her her former blesiings and endowments. Will you please be so kind as to attend to this and relieve her from the distress from which she is evidently suffering. With kind regards, Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter to Karl Gottfried Maeser, 31 August 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Professor Karl G. Maeser, Dear Brother: We have received your letter of the 30th. We have writ- ten to Brother Bleak upon the subject of Brother Snow's employment for St. George. As you take great interest in the opening of our Academies we have no doubt that your presence would be very much appreciated on Monday next at the opening of the Salt Lake Stake Academy, if you can make it convenient to come. With kind regards, Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter to James Godson Bleak, 31 August 1888

Salt lake City, . Elder James G. Bleak, Dear Brother: Professor Maeser has submitted your letter of the 25th to us, as the General Board of Education. In this you suggest the substitution of Brother Edward H. Snow as principal of your Academy in place of Brother Nephi Savage. Brother Maeser informs me that Brother Snow is intellectually ahead of Brother Sav- age; and he adds that when at the B. Y. Academy he lacked somewhat in discipline, and he had been informed that he was engaged in surveying or he would have suggested him for St. George in the first place. Respecting your building further particulars ought to be furnished before we can give you a plan. There should be a ^definite^ idea as tio the extent of the patronage you expect for the institution, the number of scholars to be accommodated, etc. You mention 200, is this the maximum number that you intend to provide for? What is the character of the land upon which you intend to build? Will it admit of a basement?, etc. Please give all the particulars you can so that an architect can form some idea of what is wanted. With kind regards, Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from Parley Parker Pratt Jr., 31 August 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro. At the sugestion of Pres. Franklin D. Richards, who afterwards approved of the steps I had taken, on the 20th of June, I wrote Pres. Geo Teasdale for a statement in regard to father's books, desiring him to forward the same to Pres. Richards. Inclosed please find his answer, which as you will see needs no explination from me. The recent date of his letter brings one potent fact to light, which is this. Either the a/c of fathers writings has not been sent for, or the letter has miscarried. Undoubtedly the a/c has been sent for, but for some cause, it has not reached the Liverpool Office, if so, I feel confident Bro. Teasdale would not have written as he has

Letter from Gilbert Dunlap Greer, 30 August 1888

St Johns Arizona


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Aug 31, 1888