Day in the Life

Sep 5, 1888

Journal Entry

September 05, 1888 ~ Wednesday

5 A hand pointing to the right I signed 60 recommends I received 59 Letters I wrote
8 Letters 7 Public & 1 to Emma


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions

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Letter from John R. Jones, 5 September 1888

Salt Lake City Pres. Woodruff. Dear Brother Your letter dated septe^m^ber the first came to hand on the 3rd in relation to me being suggested and accepted as a missionary to great Britian in asmuch as you wished an answer as soon as possible which i have edevoured to do I have a family of Eight the edldsest 13 yrs thet youngest six weeke all Boys I am a laboring man having no trade and i asshure you my hands more than full to clothe and try to give them a little schooling as I had not that chance myself. hoping by the help of god to try to prepare some of them for the ministry in the future

Letter to Karl Gottfried Maeser, 5 September 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, Prof. Karl HG. Maeser, Provo, Dear Brother: I am in receipt of your letter of the 4th inst., enclosing a letter from the Brother Maiben and one from Brother Spori. You suggest Brother Alma Greenwood as a proper person to go to San- pete. Can he break off from Fillmore without creating fieelings? If he can, who is there to take his place as the Principal of that academy? Concerning Brother Spori, if you had him with you at Provo, as you suggest, can he be furnished any subsistence, or will he have to provide for himself while there? From the fact that he has just returned from a lengthy mission, it is to be presumed that he is in narrow circumstances. We see no objection to your suggestions respecting both these brethren if everything concerning which we ask these questions can be arranged. We have received a communication from President W. W. Cluff and Brother John Boyden, one of the President of the Summit Stake Board, and the other Sec- retary, in which they state "that if the Church fill furnish a good, competent"

Letter from Lysander Gee, 5 September 1888

President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, Myself and wife are now doing work in the Temple here for ourselves and our dead. We are both getting old and feeble. I am 70 and my wife 60 years old. It is not unlikely but this will be our last opportunity to work in these sacred ordinances while in the flesh. If you deem us worthy we will feel truly thankful to you and to our Heavenly father [redacted text] [redacted text] for my two deceased wives who died full in the faith of every principle of the Gospel. They were sealed to me in the following order: Amanda M. Sagers Dead age 37. Theresa Bowley Living age 60 Maryette Rowe Dead age 35

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 5 September 1888

I. T. . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: I am in receipt of your favor of 31st ultmo. and now hasten to reply in relation to the question asked as to the lands on which the R.R. Co wish to locate their Towns, I would say there is no government lands, ^near our Towns^ as it is mostly held by our people, and titles have been perfected in some cases I have seen Mr Wheeler the Right of Way Agent for the R.R. Co. who stated that he had not as yet succeeded in obtain- ing Townsites near Wilford and Rexburg Mr Wheelers proposition to the people owning these lands, is as follows, that the R.R. Co will have Townsites surveyed and give one half of the Lots to the owners of the land, and the Compy. retain one half themselves but the people have thus far declined to accept the Co's. proposition, Mr Wheeler then proposed to buy the lands from the people, but in this instance they also refused. The people of Wilford have offered to give the ^RR^ Compy sufficient ground for Depot and side Tracks, in their Town


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Sep 5, 1888