Day in the Life

Sep 6, 1888

Journal Entry

September 06, 1888 ~ Thursday

Sept 6, 1888

A coffin Horace S Eldridge
Born Febuary 6, 1816, in Brutus N Y
Died Sept 6, 1888, At 7:30 AM
Aged 72 years & 7 Months

His Funeral was held at his house sunday Sept 8 [18]88
Horace S Eldridge died this Morning at his residence
in Salt Lake City at 7:30 AM Aged 72 years & 7 Month
He was one of the seven first presidents of the seventies
He was supposed to be the most wealthy man in the Church
He was the President of the Deseret National Bank
and superintendent of Z.C.M.I. His loss will
be felt by many He is the Last of a list of rich
Men who have been associated to gether in S L City
viz Wm H. Hooper, Wm Jennings, Ferrymore Little
& Horace S Eldridge. The rich must die as well
as the poor. I had an interview this Morning with
Asahel and Isaac M Wardell on business

{[illegible shorthand] has rendered asylum financially for the present}
I signed 36 recommends. I received 25 Letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 25 Letters 22 public & to Sarah Mary & M E Teasdale


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Eldredge, Horace Sunderlin
6 Feb 1816 - 6 Sep 1888
Woodruff, Mary, b. 1867
26 Oct 1867 - 15 Feb 1903
170 mentions
Teasdale, Matilda Ellen Picton
25 Mar 1858 - 6 Feb 1893
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions
Jennings, William
13 Sep 1823 - 4 Jan 1886


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Letter from Hans J Peterson, 6 September 1888

Smithfield ^Utah^ Prest Willford Woodruff Dear Bro. I hope you will excuse me for the free- dom I take, in sending to you these few lines. I have long thought of wri- ting to you and gave it up again, but now I conclude- d to write to you and tell yo- u the circumstances I am in @ present. Myself together with the wh- ole family are well in hea- lth and also in feeling, for which I feel grateful to the Lord. I have labored energe- tic for a long time, in order to get my family in such a shape, that I could feel

Letter from Hans J Peterson, 6 September 1888

to obtain the blessing for which I left my Native Land my freinds and relatives, for I know that this knowledge came from my Heavenly Father, that the power of man could not bring it to me there fore I feel the respon- sibility of these great blessings which the Lord has bestowed upon me, and upon this peop le with whom I am identified I will close my remarks, pr- aying that you may feel ble- ssed both in soul and body in your advanced years is the wishes of your humble brother in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Hans J. Peterson [upside-down text] Hans J. Peterson 6 Sept [18]88. [end of upside-down text]

Letter from William C. Rydalch, 6 September 1888

Grantsville, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Your favor of 30th. ult. received yesterday. Thanks therefor. In it you say: I am not in a position, at present, to grant you an interview, but if you cannot com- municate by writing what you wish to say, I will try to arrange at an early date for an interview. Again I thank you, and will say in reply that I have business of public and private importance to lay before you, and cannot really do justice to either by writing; hence I shall be much pleased if you will do as you say: "arrange at an early date for an interview," and very much oblige, Your Brother in the Gospel, W. C. Rydalch

Letter from Junius Free Wells, 6 September 1888

Salt Lake City, Prests. W. Woodruff & Jos. F. Smith, Dear Brethren: At the suggestion of Elder Moses Thatcher I take pleas- ure in submitting for your consideration the following items connected with the publication of our proposed series of books: I have ascertained that we can produce three vol- umes to be used, at home; pro- bably at the Deseret news and Juvenile Instructor offices, at prices that will be satisfactory and, by importing the covers, in a style equal to the East- ern. "The History of England" and "Selections from Irving"


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Sep 6, 1888