Day in the Life

Sep 8, 1888

Journal Entry

September 08, 1888 ~ Saturday

8 I spent the day Making cider & was weary

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Letter from George Dennis Lovett, 8 September 1888
Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother I received your letter stating my appointment for a mission to Great Britioan, which was quite a surprise to me, although I am willing to respond to any call made upon me in regards to the Gospel in which we are engaged. I am a young man somewhat inexperienced but with the assistance of God I shall endevour to do all the good that lays in my power. I shall prepair myself to be ready to start from this City on October 10th
Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 8 September 1888
[end of sideways text] BOARD OF TRUSTEES. A. O. SMOOT, President, H. H. CLUFF, W. H. DUSENBERRY, M. TANNER, D. C. YOUNG, J. E. TALMAGE. KARL G. MAESER, Principal PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE Brigham Young Academy. Provo City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Your favors of Aug. 30, 31, and Sept. 5, have been duly received. In regard to the first of these, my letter containing the letter of Bro. Spori applying for the position of Principal of the Academy at Rexburg, would have served as answer. I received your letter after mine to had been mailed to you already. Bro. Spori's Certificates, both in regard to his examinations, as well as to his services as prac- tical teacher, obtained from Swiss School authorities, are of the highest order. I shall forward him his papers again today, with my suggestion in regard to Provo, but with your pater- nal solicitationude concerning his private affairs. Leaving it at his option to go to Logan, if that is the best he can do. But if the Authorities of Bannock Stake should want their Prin- cipal soon, we should have to find another one instead after all. Please to instruct me on this point. Your letter of the 31 of Aug. reached me Wednesday, Sept. 5 two days after the opening of the S. Lake S. Academy, I could, therefore, not avail myself anymore of your kind invitation. In regard to St. George's Academy, I am somewhat puzzled; for after the receipt of Bro. Bleake's letter, which I have


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Sep 8, 1888