Day in the Life

Sep 9, 1888

Journal Entry

September 09, 1888 ~ Sunday

Sept 9th 1888
ISunday I spent the day in the House We Had a visit
from Frank Turnbow & wife & family Also
Asahel & Naoma all took dinner with us &
returned home


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Letter from Evan Arthur Lewis, 9 September 1888
[upside-down text] Evan A. Lewis 9 Sept. 1888. [end of upside-down text] Spanish Fork, Utah Co. Sept. 9th ^1888^ President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: I received your letter, concearing the mission. I am happy to say that I am on hand to do all the good I can, by the ^help^ of the Lord to build up the Kingdom of God. Which I know I can get if I remain faithful and true to him. As you are giving the privlige, to Nov. 14th it will suit me better, As I have a great deal to do, to get myself ready. This is all from your Faithful Servant and Brother In the gospel, Evan A. Lewis


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Sep 9, 1888