Day in the Life

Sep 10, 1888

Journal Entry

September 10, 1888 ~ Monday

10 A hand pointing to the right I went to the Gardo house & signed 91 Recommend
I received 58 Letters. I wrote 7 Letters 6 public & 1
to Jaques I had an interview with Baddlam & Trombow
also with M. Thatcher. I held a Meeting with Board of
Z.C.M.I. in the Evening. I felt quite unwell


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Letter from Charles Ora Card, 10 September 1888
Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah U.S.A. Dear Brother It is with great pleasure I embrace the privilege of acknowledging your favor of the 22nd ult. which contained a check of one hundred Dollars, for which accept thanks. The suggestion of Brother A. Maitland Stenhouse is good and is a matter I have worked at ever since I entered the Dominion and the saints here have done the best they could with their limited means. I certainly think it very generous of you to aid us so liberally: The amount sent will be ample and have an excellent effect upon the Editors. "Money makes the mare go" at least with men of the world. Quite recently our local papers have contained excellent reports of our little hamlet and when they receive our subscription lists we can expect another. I am quite converted to the use of the pen and the Press for it reaches where we can not. Brother Stenhouse is quite energetic in our cause as well as wise. He is not a hasty man, but considers well the points he wishes
Letter from Millen Atwood, 10 September 1888
Salt Lake City John. F. Shenk Has Decided Oct the 10 to leave this city on his Mission. I can recomment him as a good faithfl Brother Millen Atwood

Sep 10, 1888