Day in the Life

Sep 12, 1888

Journal Entry

September 12, 1888 ~ Wednesday

12 A hand pointing to the right I signed 92 Recommends I received 32 Letters I wrote
9 Letters 7 Pub[lic] & to Jaques & Thompson


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Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
264 mentions

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Letter to William and Rachel Thompson Atkins, 12 September 1888

Salt Lake U. T. . Brother & Sister Atkin Dear friends Your Letter of Sept 2 is before me and in the Midst of a whirlpool of business I will try to write a few lines I done not put off answering any corres- -spondence now day if I do it well never be Done I have 3 Heavy mails a Day, and not much Less then a doz Meetings a day of one kind & another and some vary difficult matters to attend to with Government offices &c in fact have never been in Deeper water in my life in Chuch Matters than to day. Well I call myself well as usual and so are the brethren with me We hope to see day light some day before Long I am always Glad to [hear] from you and of your Prosperity

Letter to Thomas Edwin Ricks, 12 September 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, . President Thomas E Ricks, Chairman, Bannock Stake Board of Education, Dear Brother: We have had correspondence with Professor Karl G. Maeser concerning a principal for your Academy, and he seems very much in favor of Brother Spori who is a resident of your place. But Brother Spori requires some brushing up in his English. He has high certificates and is abun- dantly qualified—in Brother Maeser's opinion—for the position; but it would do him good if he could spiend a little while with Brother Maeser at Provo. The question arises, can Brother Spori go there and live long enough to obtain what he needs, and still be in time for the opening of your Academy? If this can be done it would certainly be a great advantage to you to have one of your own citizens to fill the position; but if it cannot be done then we shall have to try to make anoth er selection. Please let us hear from you on this point. Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff President, Church Board of Education.

Letter to Karl Gottfried Maeser, 12 September 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Professor Karl G. Measer, Dear Brother: We have written to Brother Ricks of Rexburg stating that it would be much better for Brother Spori to fill the position of principal there if he can have time to brush up his knowledge of English with you at Provo before they open their Academy. If this cannot be done we suppose they will have to select another principal. We have requested Brother Ricks to write us upon this point. Now as to whether Brother Savage will be needed at St. George or not we shall probably learn very soon for we intend to telegraph to Brother Bleak upon the subject. It seems like very bad management for them to do as they have done with Brother Savage, and leave him, so to speak, in the lurch, and select another teacher. If they do not need him they will probably answer us accordingly, and then we shall telegraph you informing you what their decision is so that you can provide another place for Brother Savage. We have concluded not to appoint Brother Vance to a mission to the Sand- wich Islands, in view of the facts that he has only recently returned from a mis- sion and is still unmarried. If he be suitable for Summit county we know of no reason why he should not be seliected for that position.

Letter from William Spry, 12 September 1888

[end sideways text] OFFICE OF SOUTHERN STATES MISSION CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. P. O. BOX 103 Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept 12th 1888. President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: On my arrival this morning from a visit to some of the Conferences of the mission I found your three letters awaiting me. Concerning the first, I would state that I shall be leaving tomorrow to visit the North Carolina Conference and will then hand Elder Jolley his release as you have instructed me, and he shall leave as soon as he can conveniently do so. Elder James B. Ririe has been honorably released for some time past, and has been awaiting such improvement in his condition, as to permit of him taking the journey home. I left him yesterday feeling much better, in fact so much so that I would have brought him down with me, had it

Sep 12, 1888