Day in the Life

Sep 13, 1888

Journal Entry

September 13, 1888 ~ Thursday

13 A hand pointing to the right I signed 43 Recommends. I received ^18^ Letters, I wrote
5 Letters 4 pub[lic] & to Atkin


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Letter from Joseph Peter Beck, 13 August 1888
Paris, Bear Lake, . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. I recieved yours of the 7 inst, and Will say in answer, that I Will be prepared to comply with your wishes, if nothing happen more then I know of at present. I reman your Brother in the Gospel. Joseph Peter Beck. Wm West Bp Paris 1st ward Bear Lake Stake of Zion
Letter from Angus Munn Cannon, 13 September 1888
Salt Lake City, President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: At a Session of the High Council of this Stake held last evening, Bro. Theodore Curtis, of the 3rd Ward was recommended by his Bishop, Bro. Jacob Weiler, as being worthy to be ordained a High Priest The Council concurred in regard to the ordina- tion of Bro. Curtis to this Priesthood, and we re spectfully submit his name to you for your consideration Angus M. Cannon Pres of Stake
Letter from John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 13 September 1888
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Your letter of 31st ult., answer of yours of 28th., in relation to "brushing up the Temple", reno- vating, repairs, &c, came duly to hand; and asking what plan we can suggest to check or arrest the decay of the black rock foundation at the surface of the ground. Three years ago we repaired the foundation with Portland Cement; that does not stand any better than the lime mortar. This time we have repaired with a good lime-cement. And I presume we will have to repair from time to time, as we already have done. The "mineral" is in the rock, in the sand and lime, and in the water. But should it go so far that we could not repair with plaster, we must do, as we are doing with our dwelling-houses, "under-pin," by cutting out the decayed part and putting in new rock. The repair by Bro Thos P. Cottam and help are thorough. The House looks beautiful. All those who have seen it, say they never saw the Temple look so nice, with the exception of what should be painted:- the

Sep 13, 1888