Day in the Life

Sep 15, 1888

Journal Entry

September 15, 1888 ~ Saturday

15 A hand pointing to the right I signed 34 recommends I received 23 Letters
I wrote 24 Letters 21 public & to Sarah Malinda Hatch &
Brother Peterson & sent him $10 for 1 pair of Boots


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Hatch, Melinda Woodruff
15 Dec 1826 - 29 Mar 1893
63 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter from Theodore Brandley, 15 September 1888

Pres. Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Yours of the 12th inst. has come to hand, contents thereof duly considered and in answer I will say that I have a family of two wives and nine children the youngest of them two and the oldest 13 years old. We have a good and comfortable home and bread enough for about 6 months; some few head of stock & a few acres of land. In Octob 1885 I returned from a mission to the N. W. States since then I have bought me some little land and made considerable improvments, which togathe with sickness in the family has swolowed up all I earned and left me

Letter from Theodore Brandley, 15 September 1888

Letter to John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 15 September 1888

Salt Lake City, U. T. Prest. J. D. T. McAllister, St. George Dear Bro: To complete our settlement with Receiver Dyer it is necessary that we surrender the certificate for 350 shares of Deseret Telegraph Stock issued to your Stake Association March 2, 1887. It is consequently necessary for me to request you to return to me the certificate referred to with as little delay as possible, so that the terms of the agreement may be complied with. It should be endorsed by the proper officer. Will you please take such action as you may deem necessary in the premises. Your Bro. in the Gospel, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from William Clark and S. Haigh, 15 September 1888

San Jose, Cal. . Presdt Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Sir Your esteemed favor of the 4th inst to hand. We are sorry you cannot see your way clear to purchase the Durango property as it is a fine colony tract. If it is too large, we think (but at present are not sure) we can induce one of the owners to sell out his interest vizt 660,000 ^acres^ for a low figure — about 25¢ per acre & the purchaser will have choice of locating where he pleases on any part of the grant. e. c. he can select the 660,000 acres in the best or worst part of it to suit himself. Respectfully Clark & Haigh

Letter from Theodore Brandley, 15 September 1888

Pres. Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Yours of the 12th inst. has come to hand, contents thereof duly considered and in answer I will say that I have a family of two wives and nine children the youngest of them two and the oldest 13 years old. We have a good and comfortable home and bread enough for about 6 months; some few head of stock & a few acres of land. In Octob 1885 I returned from a mission to the N. W. States, since then I have bought me some little land and made considerable improvements which togathe[r] with sickness in the family has swolowed [swallowed] up all I earned and left me

Sep 15, 1888