Day in the Life

Sep 23, 1888

Journal Entry

September 23, 1888 ~ Sunday

23. Sunday I spent the day reading I had an interview
with Charles H Wilken


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Letter from Hyrum S. Anderson, 23 September 1888
Salina Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to your requst I feel to respond to the same I will I'll be thair on the first of Nov to sait on my mision Yours truly Hyrum S Andersen James S. Jensen Bp Salina Ward
Letter from Oliver Cromwell Hoskins, 23 September 1888
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. At the last quarterly Conference of the Malad Stake of Zion (held in Malad City) the following Breathren where unanimously sustained as a board of education, for this stake of Zion. Oliver C. Hoskins, Abraham Zundel, William H. Gibbs, Jonah Evans, Isaac Thorn, George Stewart, I. E. D. Zundel, & Richard J. Davis. I submit them for your ap^p^roval. Peace and prosperity prevail in our Stake. Ever praying for the welfare of Zion I remain your Brother in the Gospel O. C. Hoskins
Letter from Ira Nathaniel Hinckley and Joseph Vickery Robison, 23 September 1888
Fillmore, Utah, . President W. Woodroouf, Dear Brother: Having learned through a letter from Bro. Carl G. Measer to Bro. Alma Greenwood that he has been called ^by the Central Board of Education^ to go to Sanpete to conduct the Stake Academy there, we desire to make a statement to you of existing facts and the surprise and disapointment which the call has caused us here. Bro. Alma Greenwood had already been engaged by us to conduct the Academy here, commencing October 8th, and the people have been notified to that effect. Bro. Greenwood and others have visited the wards, preaching up education and endevoring to encrease t the peoples interest in the Church School; and now if Bro. Greenwood, who is a man eminently qualified for the position, and who has gained the peoples confidence by his conduct and faithful labors among them, is removed, it will no doubt cause a great setback to the school here, unless someone else is sent here that can fill his place, and such men are few. As for Bro. Joshua Greenwood, whome Bro. Measer wrote would would take Alma's place here, he is en- gaged by in the District School and has been hired by the Trustees for the whole year, and he is a younger man with less experience. We have strugled hard to establish and mentain the Millard Stake Acadmy, and it is a great satisfaction to see the fruits thereof,

Sep 23, 1888