Day in the Life

Sep 22, 1888

Journal Entry

September 22, 1888 ~ Saturday

22 I spent the day at the farm Hoing making cider


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Letter from Carl I. Rindfleisch, 22 September 1888

President Wilford Woodriff. Dear Brother, I take the liberty of wrighting you, according to the advice of Bro Richards to ask you to be so kind as to give me a little counsel. I and my family em- igrated from England to this City one year ago and during that time I have been very unfortunite in obtaining employment. I am a Mechinest and have a first class English Certificate for Engineering. I have worked at several mechine shops here and also anything which my hands have found to do. But somehow every thing seem's to oppose me and against me what ever I undertake to do.

Letter from Godfrey Lienhard, 22 September 1888

Salt Lake City . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother! I received Your letter from September 15th wich I readed carfully and foud that it is my duty to accept Your demand I am ready to take my field of Labor as a Missionary for Switzerland and Germany on the 10th October 1888. Your servant in the everlasting Gospel Godfrey Lienhard Orson F. Whitney Bishop 18th Wd

Letter from Ianthus Haven Barlow, 22 September 1888

Bountiful Sept 22, 1888 President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter to me of the 18th Sept recieved and in reply to the same I will say that I am willing to go on a mission to the Southern States and do the best I can. But as far as my means are conserned they are limited I cannot put my self out unless I sell all out side of my house and lot as that is all the property that I have by way of land I have a team and wagon and cow besides what little grain and vegtables I have raised by working land on shares

Letter from Janne Mattson Sjödahl, 22 September 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Dear brother, In answer to your kind communication of yesterday, allow me to say, that I feel perfectly willing to do whatever the Lord requires me to do; I have no higher desire than to be in His hands and performe this work. A mission to Turkey would indeed be a granting of a secret desire of my heart, long cherished, because that mission would make it possible for me to se Palestine (I hope), to visit some of the sacred spots, of which I have read

Letter from Janne Mattson Sjödahl, 22 September 1888

President Wilford Woodruff, City. Dear brother, According to the wish, ex- pressed in your kind letter of the 18th inst., I now submit to you a translation of the proposed Preface to the Swedish Edition of Book of Doc. and Cov. Br. Carlsson has read it and expressed his satisfaction with it. I hope you will let me hear at your conveni- ence. Yours humble servant in the Lord J. M. Sjödahl

Letter from Theodore Brandley, 22 September 1888

Pres. Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Yours of the 19th inst to hand, myself and family are truly grate- full for the profered assistence and with it I will be able to leave my family without distresing them, and expect to be ready to leave with the companie on the 10th of Octob. My obligation for cash is $60 the rest can be paid in produce at cash rates. Very respectfully Your Brother in the Gospel Theo. Brandley

Letter from James S. Jensen, 22 September 1888

Salina Sevier Co Pres W. Woodruff Bro Charles Hansen of Salina Ward, have receved a notis, that, you wis hem to start on a mission to Germene, on the 10 of Oct or the 14 of Nov. he will not be home from tel the 15 of Oct the[n] you will hear from hem J. S. Jensen Bp

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 22 September 1888

Provo City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Your favor of Sept. 12, did come to hand at the proper time, but it was not possible for me to answer any sooner, as I shall endeavor to explain in this report. In conformity with your telegram of yesterday week ago, I instructed Bro. Savage to start at once to St. George, where he, no doubt, is engaged now in arranging matters for opening of that Stake Academy. Bro. Vance had unfortunately made arrangements with the Trustees at Oakcreek, unknown to me, that if he should not be called to the Sandwich Islands, he would teach their school this winter. He is yet attending the Academy, finishing his Normal Course, but intends going to Oak- creek at Conference. I told him that I did not approve this step having been taken without my knowledge, but that he must keep his word now with those Trustees. In regard to the appointment of Bro. Alma Greenwood for Sanpete Stake Academy, and of his brother Joshua to succeed him at Fillmore, enclosed communications will explain the situation of affairs at Fillmore. I have

Letter from David McKenzie, 22 September 1888

David Mc Kenzie In re personal matter of Rcd Sept 24 [18]88. Refered to committee on Salaries &c Sep 26 [18]88 [end of sideways text] Salt Lake City, U. T. Sept. 22, 1888. Prest Wilford Woodruff; Dear Brother; I don't think I ever before troubled the auth- orities about my affairs, and I would not now, only I want to settle my indebtedness to the Office. I am owing the office $1212.61/100. About $800.00/100 of this amount (I don't remember the exact amount, but Bro. James Jack approves the placing it at that figure) was created between the time of Prest Brigham Young, and the date when the clerks salaries were fixed in Prest John Taylor's time. None of us expected to be reduced so low as we were, and, having drawn our pay at the old rates, some of us found ourselves in debt. All of the other clerks' accounts, I think, except Bro. Jack and myself, received generous con- sideration in the year of jubilee. Lately, his indebt- edness, created at the time I allude to, has been wiped out, and, as my wages are reduced $20000 a year, leaving me less able to pay up now than before, I respectfully ask you to be generous to

Sep 22, 1888