Day in the Life

Sep 27, 1888

Journal Entry

September 27, 1888 ~ Thursday

27 A hand pointing to the right I signed 51 Recommends I received 23 letters
I wrote 8 Letters 6 public & to Asahel & R M Thompson
I spent the day in council with the Twelve I attended
a Bank Meeting in the Evening


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Letter from Benjamin Erastus Rich, 27 September 1888

[sideways text] Ben E Rich Ogden, Utah In re. Publication of book Red Sept 28 [18]88 Ansd [Sept] [28] [ [18]88] [end of sideways text] OFFICE OF RECORDER FOR WEBER COUNTY, UTAH. BEN. E. RICH, Ogden City, Sept. 27, 1888 Pres. W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: I have had in view, for a long time, a work which I believe will be very useful, and upon which I have been laboring for a few months. The thought struck me the other day that it would be wise to inform you of the nature of the book, and see if you think there would be any objections to such a work coming forth. I have been carefully read- ing the Journal's of Discourse's and selecting from them the gem's bearing on the most important doctrines of the gospel, which it was my intention to compile in book form and have indexed in such a way as to make it a very useful work, and which would be the means of placing into the hands of

Letter from Henry Brandley, 27 September 1888

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother On acount of a mistake in the address I am just in receipt of your letter. In reply will say it will be a little tedious work for me to get awan at so an early ata date, but I will go away on the 10th of October trusting in the Loard for the rest. Your Brother in the Gospil Henry Brandly

Letter from Henry Brandley, 27 September 1888

Letter to James Sharp, 27 September 1888

Salt Lake City, . Elder James Sharp, City, Dear Brother: I have the pleasure of informing you that at a meeting of the Council of Apostles, held yesterday, you were unanimously chosen to fill the vacancy in the Church Board of Education caused by the death of Elder Horace S. Eldredge. With kind regards, Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff Chairman, Church Board of Education.

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 27 September 1888

Salt Lake City Utah, President Woodruff Dear Brother: Arangements have been made for two Elders to go to the Indian Territory mission. The Elders down there are all well again and out in the field laboring. During the hot and more sickly season they were advised to remain around among their friends and the few saints to avoid exposure and sickness. Now they are all South in the Choctaw nation, having instructions to enter into new fields and spread the Gospel as far as possible during the healthful season, they were also instructed to notice, ^and^ if necessary to learn the language to make such arangements as would be best suited to the task. My labors were not very extensive in others than the Cherokee Nation

Sep 27, 1888