Day in the Life

Sep 30, 1888

Journal Entry

September 30, 1888 ~ Sunday

30. Sunday I spent the day in the House reading

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Letter from George Kirkham, 30 September 1888
Salt Lake City President W. Woodruff Dear Brother I wish to say I am ready for my mission to Great Britian as I have now obtained the required means to pay my pasage right through any word of advice at council or where you wish me to leave will find me in care of Brother Sudbury Your Brother In the Gospel George Kirkham
Letter from William David Leigh, 30 September 1888
Cedar City Pres. Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother yours of Sept. 14th came to hand on the 22nd calling upon me to perform a Mission to gGreat Britain. By the blessing of the Lord I will be in Salt Lake City at the time appointed. very respectfully your brother in the Gospel William Leigh Francis Webster Acting Bishop OK

Sep 30, 1888