Day in the Life

Oct 1, 1888

Journal Entry

October 01, 1888 ~ Monday

Oct 1. A hand pointing to the right I signed 77 Recommends I received 47 Letters
I wrote 8 public Letters {Peters and Dyer are on the war path}
We are having difficulty with E D Wooley in selling Church cattle


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Letter to Ira Nathaniel Hinckley and J. V. Robinson, 1 October 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah Territory. . Presidents Iral N. Hickley and J. V. Robinson; Millard Stake. Dear Brethren: A meeting of the Church Board of Education was held to-day, at which the question of Brother Alma Greenwood's retention in or removal from Fillmore was considered with great care. It was finally concluded, as Brother Greenwood seems anxious to remove to Sanpete, that the entire matter be left to the Stake Boards of the Sanpete and Millard Stakes to arrange; and that Elder Edward W. Snow, of St George (a) son of the late Apostle Erastus Snow), al young man who is very highly recommended, fill one position and Brother Greenwood the other. If Brother Greenwood remains with you, then Brother Snow will take Ephraim Academy; but if Brother G. goes to Sanpete, then Brother Snow can be installed as your principal. With kind regards, Your Brother, President Church Board of Education, Wilford Woodruff

Letter to John Riggs Murdock, 1 October 1888

President John R. Murdock, Beaver. Dear Brother: At a meeting of the Church Board of Education held to-day, it was intimated that the Church Academy at Beaver had been made a free school and was so conducted at the present time. We desire to learn from you if this is so, and if so, what are your reasons for conducting it on this plan? With kind regards, Your Brother, President Church Board of Education. Wilford Woodruff

Letter from William Paxman, 1 October 1888

Wm Paxman Te Aroha, Hauraki New Zealand, Oct 1st, 1888 Rcd Oct 29 [18]88. President W. Woodruff and Quorum of Apostles, Much beloved Bretheren, We feel that we are greetly blessed; to have this another opportunety of addressing a letter to you, and especi- aly so, to be in receipt of another of your esteemed favors, bearing the date of July 19th, which came safe to hand; as also the receipt in favor of Charles Hardy for (£10) ten pounds, donation donation to the Manti Temp- le. Also a check for (£15) fifteen pounds, the balance of the return fair of El- der Meacham; In reading your much appricated letter, we could not help but feel in part the great anxiety and burden that rests upon you, in these most trying times; and the feelings of our hearts go out unto our Kind

Letter from Justus Perry Jordan, 1 October 1888

Fairview Sanpete Co President Wilford Woodruf Dear Brother I will be in Salt Lake the 10 of October to start on a mission to the Southern States to which I have been called if the Lord is willing Your Brother in the Gospel Justus P Jordan Amasa Tucker Bp OK

Letter to Frederick Kesler, 1 October 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Bishop Kesler, 16th Ward, City. Dear Brother: Your letter of Sept. 29th in regard to your labors in the Temple, and your wishes to attend to further ordinances for the dead, has been receeved. We do not know of any objections to yourself and wife attending to the ordinances you mention, and for the parties named when you are at the Temple on your next visit. With kind regards, Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter to Thomas Edwin Ricks, 1 October 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, . President Thomas E. Ricks, Rexburg. Dear Brother: At a meeting of the Church Board of Education, held to-day, the question of a principal for your academy was talked over at some length. After hearing Brother Maeser's explanations, we came to the conclusion that if Brother Spori would go to Provo Bro. Maeser could take him under his special care and in a few weeks have him prepared to do good service for you, and at the same time not postpone the opening of the academy for any great length of time. Brother Maeser has the matter at heart and will take great pains to advance Brother Spori as rapidly as possible, and with the present scarcity of suitable brethren, we do not know that you can do better than secure his services. With kind regards, Your Brother, President Church Board of Education. Wilford Woodruff

Oct 1, 1888