Day in the Life

Oct 12, 1888

Journal Entry

October 12, 1888 ~ Friday

12 A hand pointing to the right I signed 35 Recommends I received 23 Letters
I wrote 8 Public Letters I held a council with several
of the Twelve and others I had an interview with Bell


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Moses, Phoebe Arabell Woodruff
30 May 1859 - 7 Sep 1939
167 mentions

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Letter from William Langton, 12 October 1888
Presdt Wilford Woodruffe Dear Bro My self and a number of thus have in contemplation the organising of a Coop Merchandising association Such as they have running so successful in England I Enclose you circular giving you some little light bearing on the subject. I would like your views regarding this matter as Early as poss I would refer you to Zions Benefit Building Society that was started by Myself and others in 1883— this was sanctioned by Presdt John Taylor and have proved a big success. Kindly return me the Enclosed circular and you will confer a favor With Kindest Regards I Remain Your Brother in the Gospel William Langton
Letter from Joseph Don Carlos Young, 12 October 1888
Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro; I take great pleasure in submiting for your approval a sample of flooring made from native woods that grow within a few miles of Salt Lake City. You will see their names on the back. We can easily obtain others not shown here such as "Mountain Mohogany," "Mountain Ashe" "Maple" or "Birch" "choke-cherry" "Hawthorn" etc. besides—"Cran." "Peach," "apple" and "walnut" This would ^be^ the beautiful workmanships of our own hands. Very Respectfully D C Young

Oct 12, 1888