Day in the Life

Oct 11, 1888

Journal Entry

October 11, 1888 ~ Thursday

Oct 11, 1888
A hand pointing to the right I signed 12 Recommends, I received 8 Letters
I wrote 7 Letters 5 Pub & to Moses & Phebe Scholes I
am suffering with severe cold


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446 mentions
Saville, Phebe Carter Scholes
6 Oct 1862 - 29 Nov 1926
115 mentions

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Letter to David King Udall, 11 October 1888
Salt Lake City, Utah, . President David K. Udall, St. Johns, Apache Co., Arizona. Dear Brother: Your letter of Oct. 3rd came duly to hand and was perused with interest. The letter was read and the contents considered by the Council of Apostles at their meeting yesterday, Apostle John Henry Smith and Bishop Burton being present. The question of the indebtedness of the St. Johns Ward on the St. Johns purchase was considered, and you are requested to furnish us a detailed statement of the indebtedness on that purchase to the Church. You will also please send us your suggestions as to the propriety of building a Stake Academy, or Stake meeting house or Ward meeting house, together with the proposed locations for any of such buildings. It was also decided by the Council of Apostles that the settlements of the Saints on the Little Colorado and its tributaries be maintained, and that the Saints located in those settlements should remain where they have been called, and assist in securing to themselves and to the Saints the locations which have been made, that the Stakes of Zion shall be strengthened and their cords lengthened.
Letter from William Spry, 11 October 1888
Chattanooga, Tenn., . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: I have your favor of 1st and 6th inst: and have released Elder Cutter as requested. He will return home with company of Saints leaving here 20th prox. In relation to the missionaries called for this mission I would state that if convenient I should like the number asked for to arrive here not later than 15th prox as I shall be leaving with the company and should like to see them, and assign them to their fields before leaving. However should this not be practicable, we can govern matters accordingly and no particular harm will be done. I will place myself in communication with Mr Hugh Toland and if possible arrange for him to attend our South Carolina

Oct 11, 1888