Day in the Life

Oct 20, 1888

Journal Entry

October 20, 1888 ~ Saturday

20 I spent the day at work covering Potatoes Picking
Apples &c I received 6 Letters we learned that the Idaho
A folded letter/box court decided against us which shows that the saints
in Idaho are still going to be under Tyrany


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Letter from William Spry, 20 October 1888
Chattanooga, Tenn., . Pres Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Yours of the 13th inst in relation to bro Horace Morrills release received and acted upon. All is peace and quietness in the mis- sion, but a very painful state of suspense is caused by the mysterious disappear- ance of Elder Alma P. Richards who was laboring in Miss of which case doubtless you have heard. He had been laboring alone for a time and as soon as his protracted silense aroused suspicion that all was not well search- ing parties were sent out but up to date we cant learn of his being heard from or seen since Aug 2nd and we greatly fear foul play. The search is being con- tinued and we hope to be able learn his fate. In the mean time we


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Oct 20, 1888