Day in the Life

Oct 27, 1888

Journal Entry

October 27, 1888 ~ Saturday

Oct 27, 1888
An arrow I spent the day choring at the farm we finished grinding
up the Apples Azmon had a fall and cut a vein open
in his hand & bled a good Deal. 2 Horses stampedid in
the Lot and one Jumped betwen a horse & Buggy tied to
the fence & broak a shaft & crossbar for Brother Sudbury
we had Difficulty in tying it up so He could get
home I helped carry a cider Mill into the Barn it
was to heavy for us and it lamed me by over lifting


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Woodruff, Azmon, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
365 mentions


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Letter from Thomas Rees, 27 October 1888
Coalville. Mr Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother in the goespell I Reciv^e^d your letter on Oct. 21. But Not Being Prepard to Answear ^sooner^ could Not Answer I can git Ready to start By the 12 of Dec. it would By Be impo^s^able for me to start eny soonear But will Be on hand at that Date From your Brother in the gos. Thos Rees.
Letter from Thomas Walter Brookbank, 27 October 1888
Salt Lake City, Prest Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah Ty. Dest Sir & Bro: I arrived by the D. and R. G. train this evening and am quartered at the Valley House, and will be pleased to receive further instructions from you at your convenience respecting the work to which I have been called. But specially desire to know whether it is your wish or not that I should proceed at once from here or wait for the company of Elders who are to


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Oct 27, 1888