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Day in the Life

Nov 5, 1888

Journal Entry

November 05, 1888 ~ Monday

5 Oct [Nov] [FIGURES] I signed 101 Recommends I received 57 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters

Politics are running vary high Many of our Brethren
in Idaho are being arested for Perjury for regestering
I spent the day at Mayor Armstrong 3 M[iles]


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Letter to Lucy Emily Woodruff, 5 November 1888
Salt Lake U. T. Miss Lucy S Woodruff Enclosed find $10 as a Christmass Present I send it Early so you buy clothing or whatever you want to that amount. I am Well as usual Except a cold I am busy and No time to write long Letters I hope you may have health & strength and grace Equil to your day Give my Love to all the family Your Affectionate Great Father Wilford Woodruff
Letter from Parley Parker Pratt Jr., 5 November 1888
P. P. Pratt City Rcd Nov 7 [18]88. referred to the apostles [end of sideways text] Salt Lake City, Nov 5, 1888. Prest. W. Woodruff, Dear Bro, Your favor of Oct 31 duly received. My object in asking for a personal interview, was that I might present you fully the claims the family have against the Church, on account of father's publications. This subject having been under consideration for so many years, and having refered to the same so often, with no aparent results, I feel almost mortified in my feelings, to be obliged to refer to it again, and wer it simply a personal matter, I am sure I would be loth to speak of the subject again: but when I think of father's aged widdows, one of whom is lame, & annother palsied, I feel that it is my duty to still keep pleading. Pres. Young in his day acknowledged the claims of the family, in regard to fathers writings, to be just; but nothing was done.


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Nov 5, 1888