Nov 6, 1888 This is the great Election day for America
I wrote 12 Letters to day And sent Money
to the following Person as a Christmass Present as
follows To Emma $10, Clara $5, Owen $5, Blanch 5
Alice $5, Vedi $1, Asahel & Naoma $10, Wilford
& Julia $10, Susan $5, Lucy $10, Sarah 5, Newton 5
Bell $5, Sylvia $5, Mary $5, James J $5,
Delight $5 Marion $5, Emeline $5 Ensign $5, John $5 Julia $5,
Milton $5. Total Christmass Presents to day $131.
No decision yet on the Election I signed 12 Recommends
^ I received 8 Letters I wrote 6 Letters Pub I sat up till
near Midnight to learn of the Election but got Nothing Decisive.
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