Day in the Life

Dec 17, 1888

Journal Entry

December 17, 1888 ~ Monday

17. A hand pointing to the right I signed 28 Recommends. I Received 22 Letters
I wrote to Henry & Eunice I had an interview
with H. B. Clawson I met with the Twelve at the
Office upon a variety of subjects we talked
with Brother Spry upon the subject of a Detcations


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Woodruff, Eunice Matteson
16 Oct 1858 - 24 Aug 1941
3 mentions
Woodruff, Henry Azmon
20 May 1855 - 2 Feb 1939
138 mentions
Clawson, Hiram Bradley
7 Nov 1826 - 29 Mar 1912


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Letter to Edward Henry Anderson, 17 December 1888
Salt Lake City, Elder E. H. Anderson, Ogden, Utah. Dear Brother: By the resignation of Elder Geo. C. Lambert, the office of General Secretary of the Y. M. M. I. A. has become vacant. We are advised of your long and faithful labors in the cause of Mutual Improvement in Weber Stake; and by reason of your experience and the interest you have always manifested in this work, we have concluded to assign you to a more extended field of labor in this connection; and hereby appoint you to the office of General Secretary of the Y. M. M. I. A. throughout the Church. The labors and duties connected with this office will be fully explained to you, and we trust you will enter upon them with zeal and devotion, that your influence may be felt among the Associations, and that you may have great pleasure and satisfaction in your official relations with them. President Shurtliff is advised of this appointment, and arrange- ments will be made to liberate you from other labors
Letter from Charles Arthur Welch, 17 December 1888
Chas A Welch Morgan Stake Academy Rec Dec 18 [18]88 [end of sideways text] Morgan City, Utah. Dec. 17, 1888. President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother About three weeks ago I wrote you an account of the organization of the Board of Education of the Morgan Stake of Zion. Also that we had rented a room in which to hold school and had applied to General Superintendent Karl G. Maeser for a pPrincipal. We secured a teacher, Brother Albert N. Tollestrup of Gunnison, San Pete County, and opened school on the 3rd day of December, with forty five students in attendance. Our school has begun its third week and I am pleased to say is in excellent condition. The teacher and students are alike interested in the good work, as are the people and Board of Education. I have reported to Brother Maeser the condition of the school, also the appa- ratus we have purchased &c. In my report to you I spoke of the opposition we had to meet here with free schools and that we had placed the tuition at $2 50/.00 per term. Under these circumstances we are earn- estly looking to you for assistance and we trust you will generously help us to make the Morgan Stake Academy a success. Your Brethren The Morgan Stake Board of Education Per Chas. A. Welch Secty over


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Dec 17, 1888