Day in the Life

Dec 27, 1888

Journal Entry

December 27, 1888 ~ Thursday

27 I arose from my bed sick this Morning Brother Joseph
F Smith
opened & read the Mail this Morning I went home
& went to Bed I signed 6 Recommends & Recieved 15 Letters


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Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4143 mentions

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Letter from Marvin Elmer Pack, 27 December 1888
President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: You doubtless are awaiting a reply to your last letter to me. I have heard of the letter, and have an idea of its contents from my brother to whom it was sent, in Salt Lake City; but I have not seen it yet, as he forgot to bring it when he came out. If I understand rightly you ask what is the amount of my indebtedness, what interest I have to pay, and also what aid my family will require if I go to the Sandwich Islands and leave them. If, when I receive your letter, I see anything else that requires an answer, I will write again. My Father will be in the city about the 3rd of Jan., and he will try to see you, when he can give you all inform- ation you may require. Were he not coming I would try to come and see you my self. During the month of Jan. I expect to take out a loan of $600.00 from Zion's Benefit Building Society to pay the amount due on my home in the 17th Ward besides this I will ^be^ owing $150.00. The dues and interest on the former, amount to $7.00 per month, and the interest on the latter to $12.00 per annum, or a total of $8.00 per month. The County, Territorial, and City taxes amount to $17.00 per annum, making a grand total of $113.00 per year.


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Dec 27, 1888