Day in the Life

Jan 26, 1889

Journal Entry

January 26, 1889 ~ Saturday

26 I spent the day at the farm at various things


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Letter from David Archibald Murray, 26 January 1889
To President Wilford Woodruff, Salt lake City, Dear Brother, I received your favor of the 22nd notifying me that my ^name^ Had been accepted as a missionary to Great Britain. in reply I can say that at presant I know of nothing to prevent me from going, & all being well I will be at the Historians office on monday, Aprill the 8th according to your request I remain your Brother in the Gosple, David Murray Dear Bro: It is with pleasure that I express the opinion that Bro David Murray is in every way worthy to bear the message of salvation to the nations of the Earth. His example is good, and he has ever mani- fested a willingness to perform any service, or to assist by liberal contributions to every local and general de- mand. I feel sure that Bro Murray with the blessings of the Lord, will be an energetic minister of the Gospel and his labors will bring many souls to Christ Your Brother in the Gospel Joseph Howell 1st Counselor OK L J n
Letter from William Henry Evans, 26 January 1889
President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Yours of the 22nd received in refferance to its contents I would say I am thankful for your acknowledgement of my worthiness in calling me to fill a mission to Great Britain, and I will be in Salt Lake City at the appointed time to proceed on the same Your Brother in the Gospel Wm H Evans James S Jensen Bp Salina Ward OK L J n
Letter from John P. Johnson, 26 January 1889
Richmond Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Sir I was greatly surprised at the letter you sent me Last Week, seeing that my ^name^ has been Suggested as a Missionary, and in reply to the same, I shall do it with pleasure, you state for me to make arrangements to start April 9, in order to comply to this, it require som money and means, Which I have not. I state in my former Letter to the Councle of Seventies, that I was in det, end I dont feel Justfie in leaving my Family to settel the matter, hoping you Will consider my circumstances I remain as ever your Brother in the gospel, John T. Johnson Wm L. Skidmore Give him time if he wants it. L. J. n


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Jan 26, 1889