Day in the Life

Mar 4, 1889

Journal Entry

March 04, 1889 ~ Monday

March 4, 1889
G Reynolds spoke 15 M[inutes], David Johns spoke 10 Minuts
Afternoon Met at 2 oclock. The authorities of the Church
were presented and sustaind. Then W Woodruff spoke
one hour G Q Cannon spoke 17 Minuts


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John, David
47 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
722 mentions

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Letter from William Marsden, 4 March 1889
Parowan To Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Some time ago Bro Lorenzo Snow attended our quart^er^ly conference. And while here he staid with me. he being Cousin to my Wife (Sariah Scovil & children) I remarked to him that many wondred, why there was not some one appointed Patriarch besides Bro H. Lunt as he is and has been out of the way for some time. And many desiring to have a Patriarchal Blessing Bro Snow replied I ought to be set apart to that office. I said if that is your mind you may set me apart he answered, No I must have the consent of Bro Woodruff, some time ago I got a letter from Bro L Snow saying I had better write you on the Subject, hence my reason for writing to you
Discourse 1889-03-04
the year 1888, was read. President Wilford Woodruff Addressed the Conference. Said we heard this morning from Brother Cannon, some things which are of great importance and comfort to the Latter-day Saints, and we should treasure them up. Spoke of the manner the Gospel was restored to the earth in this dispensation, through the youthful Prophet Joseph Smith, showing that his name was had for evil among the nations of the earth the same as that of the Savior was in His time. Showed the great work that God had accomplished through the instrumentality of the great Latter-day Prophet and his associates. The speaker then read Section 121 of the Doctrine and Covenants, and desired it impressed upon the minds of the Lat- ter-day Saints. He then showed how the judgements of the Lord had been dealt out to those that had afflicted His Saints nevertheless the Lord will chasten His children from time to time, until they serve Him acceptably. He called upon all the Saints to go before the Lord, in humility, and pray for those things which they need and which Zion needs: for we will have many severe trials to pass through, and all will need strength from the Lord. He exhorted the Saints to receive and carry out in their lives, the counsels given them in this conference, and be earnest and sincere in keeping the com- mandments of God; and prayed for the blessings of God to rest upon the con- gregations of the Saints.


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Mar 4, 1889