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Day in the Life

Apr 17, 1889

Journal Entry

April 17, 1889 ~ Wednesday

Sunday April 17, 1889.
Col. Trumbo called and took our party through
the ^american^ Cracker Factory in which he is a large stock-
holder. It is a most interesting scene to witness
the manufacture of every kind of cracker and


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Letter from John Henry Smith, 17 April 1887
Salt Lake City, . President W. Woodruff Dear Brother; The letter of Mrs. O. C. Roberts having been handed to us for consideration. We beg leave to report that we have read the same and regret that we have failed to make you a report of our doings in that mill matter, but will now do so. After our appointment to go to San Juan and organize a high Council and to hear the case known as the "Mancos mill trouble". and seek to adjust it. We organized the high Council and after doing so and using all of the available brethren we could find. it was discovered that we could not get enough


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Apr 17, 1889