Day in the Life

May 24, 1889

Journal Entry

May 24, 1889 ~ Friday

24 I signed 5 Recommends. I received 4 Letters I wrote
4 Letters 3 public & 1 to Phebe C Scholes, I in company
with G. Q. Cannon attended a Dinner Party in the
13 ward school House in honor of the 72 Birthday
of Mellen Atwood I met with a large Party of
old friends Remarks were mad by W Woodruff
G Q Cannon & Bishop Atwood I attended the Theater
in the Evening


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2282 mentions
Atwood, Millen
24 May 1817 - 17 Dec 1890
20 mentions
Saville, Phebe Carter Scholes
6 Oct 1862 - 29 Nov 1926
115 mentions

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Letter from Arthur Stayner, 24 May 1889
Presidents Woodruff, Cannon, & Smith Dear Brethren Will you kindly permit me to lay before you some reflections upon a subject which I feel assured will be of interest to you: I advance it as an undeniable proposition that there are two separate branches of the Financial power each possessing marked and widely different characteristics and each requiring correspondingly different characters to evolve them. One of these branches is the producing and man- ufacturing, the other one is the trading and speculative. A very little experience and reflection will enable one to de- termine the relative qualifications requisite for the represen- tatives of the two branc[h]es. While each should possess energy and vim, and be thoroughly imbued with the spirit of his work, the one may be of slower thought and tempera- ment than the other but must possess that dogged per- severance and invincible pertinacity of purpose that knows no surrender; he must also possess to a marked degree the virtue of patience which will enable him to watch the slow developing of experiment and which, if he does not reach success at one trial, will inspire him to look forward


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May 24, 1889