Day in the Life

Jul 22, 1889

Journal Entry

July 22, 1889 ~ Monday

22 we Met at 10 oclok Statistical Reports were
made Then W Woodruff spoke 30 Minuts upon
the principles of the Gospel & the redemption of the Dead &
L Snow spoke 30 Minuts. we dined with Br Shirtliff
Afternoon Joseph Hall Prayed Richard Balentine reported
the sunday school then G Q Cannon 60 Minuts I
followed him 5 Minuts we had the spirit of God

I took supper at Brother Shirtliff then took
Cars to Salt lake I went to the farm & spent the night
I found Wm H Thompson & wife there Distance 80 mils


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cottam, Emma Thompson
27 Jun 1850 - 24 Apr 1901
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2295 mentions
Hall, Joseph, b. 1824
6 Aug 1824 - 1 Sep 1906
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
708 mentions
Apostle, Family
Ballantyne, Richard
26 Aug 1817 - 8 Nov 1898
Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
266 mentions


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Letter from Samuel Winsborough Western, 22 July 1889

Deseret President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 16th of July is Received and contents noted, in regards to my Going on a mission. I must say my curcumstances are very limited and I am in debt some but I will endeavour to comply with the call and hope to be on hand to start on the 14th of August the Lord being my helper I Remain your Brother in the Gospel Samuel. W. Western Joseph S Black Bishop OK L J n

Discourse 1889-07-22

PRESIDENT WOODRUFF bore his testimony to the words of President Cannon. The priesthood, he said, was the same throughout eternity. The Lord told me to choose for counsellors the men I have chosen. Of what good are they unless I consult with them? When they give counsel they give what the spirit gives them and what the spirit has told me and I then do it. Why are the words of those named in the revelation, read by President Cannon, the words of the Lord? Because they were spoken by the Holy Ghost, one of the Godhead.

Letter from Morgan Richards Jr., 22 July 1889

Parowan, Iron Co, Utah, Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Bro.: In answer to your telegram of yesterday in relation to a church school for this stake of Zion, we would offer a few explanations on the subject for your consideration. As you doubtless are aware, the Wards of Parowan and Cedar City are about the same size; and there is a little rivalry between the two places on all such question as this, whether political, ecclesiastical or educational; and in consequence of this, our church school board found it a difficult thing to say where the stake school should be established.

Discourse 1889-07-22

PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF addressed the congregation. He said: There is an item I would like to speak of. I was asked by a president of a relief society in regard to keeping of minutes, some one had said that it was unnecessary. My feeliegs are that every organization in this church should keep a record of their labors and meetings. I have told the mis- sionaries to keep their journals of the hand dealings of God with them, their visions, their revelations, their labors, their baptisms and confirmations. There will be a great library in the kingdom of God. Three years before his death, Adam, who according to Joseph Smith, was the oldest man who has ever lived on the earth in the flesh, called his sons together and blessed them, prophe- sying of the future generations. His prophecies are written, it is said, in the book of Enoch, and it would be a pleasure to peruse them. [Doctrine and Covenants 107:53-57] It is proper of every society to keep a record. Now I have called myself the dull scholar, but I was moved on to write. I have kept a history and an account of my travels, my daily work. I never heard Joseph Smith preach but what I wrote his sermon in my jour- nal the best I could. I have seventy- five sermons of Brigham Young, taken while traveling with him. The accounts are meagre, but of value to the historians who have had access to them. It is important and every or- ganization in the church should keep a record This is the last dispensation, the last call, and the elders have gone forth to preach the gospel of this dispensation. All who have ever lived on the earth and labored for the work of God have as much anxiety over our labors, our ordinances and our faithfulness as we have, and more so, for they sense the importance of them better than we do. There are men who have lived in this dispensation who are now in the spirit world preaching the gospel and offering redemption to the dead. Thousands will accept their testimony. We enter the temples and finish their labors by baptising, being endowed and blessed. Records are kept of these labors. We go on the other side and meet our relatives for whom we have performed these ordinances, and we stand to them in a measure as their saviors, or saviors on Mount Zion. Adam was the first man who held the keys of the presidency, Moses was the second. There have been but few men who have held these keys. In this age Joseph Smith held them, Brigham Young held them after him, John Taylor followed, and I am for a short time being permitted to hold them. Whatever good I have done while holding these keys, or Brother John, or Brother Brigham, we will be rewarded for, but Joseph Smith will hold the keys of this dispensation throughout the endless days of eter- nity. I think much of a dream of Bishop Hunter, in which it seemed to him he was unable to meet in the spirit world with those of his relatives for whom he had not performed the work he could have done. There are many revelations given to us not published in books, and I think that one of them. This noble work of redemption of the dead awakened the anger of the devil and his angels, who are in the world. The Latter-day Saints hold the keys of the salvation of the whole world. Brother Joseph said: "The moment you go into those temples you will stir up the powers of darkness and the inmates of hell against you." What is there in this world that can compare with the blessings of eternal life? There is nothing. Such labors as those we have been called upon to perform have cost the lives of many. It has cost some in this dispensation. I believe it was ordained of God that Joseph and Hyrum should lay down their lives to seal this dispensation, and the revelations of God in the lat- ter days, and the nation that put them to death will bear the consequences. I do not think the Lord will require the elders to go to war. Those who shed blood cannot enter into the tem- ples of God and perform the or- dinances of the priesthood. It costs something to shed blood, to shed the blood of the Lord's annointed. The Jews have not yet got over the result of shedding the blood of the Savior, and will not until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled, when they will be gathered and forgiven. When they gather and take their riches from among the Gentiles, the Gentiles will keenly feel the loss. They will rise up and Gog and Magog will prey upon the Jews and Jerusalem, but the judg- ment of God will overtake them. The Rothschilds are even now stretching out their arms to build up Jerusa- salem. The Lord is gathering and will gather the wheat before the angels who are waiting in the temple in heaven are permitted to reap down the earth. The Saints must gather. They cannot be saved if they remain in Babylon. Zion is the safest place on the whole earth. God will give His people riches, but in His own time and His own way. Build up the Kingdom of God instead of seeking for riches. You will not be sorry for any work you have done for the Kingdom of God. All you will have cause to be sorry for is your sins. I rejoice that I can meet you again, among the Saints in Ogden. We have been withdrawn from you for a time, but I feel that every man who is able should devote his time to labor among the Saints. I have lived to see apostles and prophets, to see the Saints of God and mingle with them, and I rejoice in it. It has been asked, "why is it that with our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the patriarchs, Joseph, Hy- rum, Brigham, and others in council on the other side, they do not help us?" Because God never did in any age under our conditions. How would we feel going there on a bed of roses and mingle with them—with Peter and others who have laid down their lives for the cause? We are not prepared for it, and will not be delivered until we are.

Jul 22, 1889