Day in the Life

Jul 25, 1889

Journal Entry

July 25, 1889 ~ Thursday

25 I went to the Gardo & signed 8 Recommends
I received 13 Letters I wrote 22 pub Letters
I went to the farm & spent the night 6 M


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Letter from John Ray Young, 25 July 1889
Red. President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother. Your letter of June 24 just received. I regret that Sister Lydias love and confidence in me is gone. As for her living alone for the past seven and a half years, I am not to blame. I have done all that I could do to get her to come and share our humble fortunes and for the past four years have had a separate Home ready for her. This spring I visited Huntington, Castle Valley where her daughter & son-in-law live and arranged to buy her a Home adjoning their. She has declined all of my offers. If it will add to her Happiness I am willing to grant her request with the understanding that I have the care of two of the children. She has four children at home. I will furnish her with a pair of ponies, Harness and Wagon and 2 cows, and if she will come and live on it, I will deed her 20 acres of land, at Loa, Rabbit Valley. She is a good Industrious Woman but for many years has rejected my Counsels, seeking direction from Higher Authority. If she persiste in wanting a Bill I will pay for it on Condition that two of the Children be entrusted to my care. I am humbly, Your Brother John R. Young
Letter from George Orrin Pitkin, 25 July 1889
Logan City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: It would please us very much to have the presence of yourself, and as many others as you choose to bring with you, at our Quar- terly Conference to be held on Saturday and Sunday, August 3rd & 4th 1889. I would be able to make better pre- parations if I could know in advance about how many ^you^ will bring. Hoping you are well, with kindest regards, Your Brother in the Gospel, Geo. O. Pitkin pr LRm. (Dictated)

Jul 25, 1889