Day in the Life

Jul 26, 1889

Journal Entry

July 26, 1889 ~ Friday

26 I signed 1 Recommends I received ^2^ Letter
I wrote 2 Letters and spent the night at the farm


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Letter from George Teasdale, 26 July 1889
President W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City U.T. Dear Brother: Your esteemed and ever welcome favors of the 5th and 9th inst arrived this morning and were read with the usual interest. I am always grateful for your valued communications. Thank you kindly for the help for the Turkish Mission they need it. I am glad to hear of the missionaries coming on August 4th for I have places where these brethren are needed. For although we are not encouraged by many baptisms, the gospel has to be preached and until the Lord says it is enough I esteem it our duty to labor and to wait in all patience. We shall need 12 missionaries for England 4 for Scotland and 4 for Wales. Ireland also should have 2 good missionaries. We want men of patience, perseverance, faith and energy who desire to labor in the Lord's vineyard who will not easily get dis- couraged, but who will be willing patiently to labor for the glory of God and leave the result to him. The mission will at least be a blessing to them, and they will gain an invaluable

Jul 26, 1889