Day in the Life

Aug 31, 1889

Journal Entry

August 31, 1889 ~ Saturday

31 I signed 24 Recommends I receivd 12 Letter
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 10 public Letters I met a company of
Brethren at 4 oclock upon the subject of our political
situation I went to the farm & spent the night 6 M


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Letter from George Teasdale, 31 August 1889
President W. Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. My dear brother: To day a Company of Saints of the British Mission numbering 163 Souls and 9 returning missionaries left here per Guion S. S. Wisconsin under the presidency of Elder Wm P. Payne with Wm H. Farnsworth as his first and Lorenzo H. Durrant as his second counsellors and D. K. Green as clerk & recorder. The names of those returning are Robert Parker (a.g.) John Howard (do) Thomas B. Davis, Ephraim Marshall, and Wm J. Kelson (sick) A number of the brethren of the Travelling Elders came to see them off. Elder Jos. Leaing, Ed. Bennett A. F. Cummings, T. Spackman, I. J. Riddle, T. D. Brown, T. Alston oOrson Hicken & Wm Palmer. Bros Wm H. Haigh & wife, Wm Grimsdell and grand- daughter ^Emily Hillam^ James Lawson, and wife, Sister Lavinia Morris and Sarah T. Wheeler who had been visiting the British Isles returned on this vessel. There was quite a nice feeling manifested towards us. Mr Geo. Ramsden was there well and hearty, God bless him, he is our true friend. It is getting late we have had a house full of visitors more next time. With kindest love, your brother Geo. Teasdale ^P.S.^ We are all well as usual.
Letter from Achilles Adolph Ramseyer, 31 August 1889
Achille Ramsayer City Rec aug 31 [18]89. Salt Lake City Aug. 31st, 1889 Attended Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, I take the liberty to ask you by this letter, if you will not be so kind, and allow me to have an enterview with you alone on a subject per- taining to the plan of salvation and to my own-self; there are per- haps a few persons ca- pable to give me light on that matter, but I do not think that
Letter from Oliver C. Hoskins, 31 August 1889
President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Bro. I received a letter today informing me, that Mr Rollings have not been employed to defend our breathren in Malad City at the september term of court, which convienes on the second of sept, and as thare are a large number of our breathren being arrested on the charge of conspiracy. It was earnestley desired that they may have able council to defend them, and as a good many of our breathren are poor & not able to defend themselves, and we have quite a heavy tax on us in contesting the late election If you could help us out by


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Aug 31, 1889