Day in the Life

Sep 17, 1889

Journal Entry

September 17, 1889 ~ Tuesday

^17^ we took Breakfast & Rode to Evanston &
^[FIGURES]^ on to Ogden I never rode so fast on a rail
Road in the train being late they tried to make
up time we travelled from 35 to 70 Miles an
we traveled 10 Miles in 8 1/2 minuts and we were
in great Danger of being flung from the track
Brother Cannon had an attack of the paralisis on
the left side of his face which was vary painful
to him I spent the night at the farm 315 Miles


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions


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Letter from Henry Harrison Dalrymple Jr., 17 September 1889
Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. Letter of appointment received, will be ready and on hand at the appointed time Your Bro. in the Gospel Henry H. Dalrymple Jr. The above is all right the Bishop not being at home I endorse it. Your Bro Wm Budge OK L J n
Letter from Bryant Hawkes and Lewis Hawkes, 17 September 1889
Franklin Idaho, Prest W. Woodruff Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Your favor of Aug. 26th notifying us that we were called to fill a mission to New Zeland, provided that our circumstances were such that we could conform to the call without any reasonable excuse &c ^is received^ and in reply we desire to state our condition and circum stances fully and then rely wholely upon your wishes in the matter, as you may be directed by the spirit of the Lord. We are both of the same family, as you are doubtless aware, though Bryant is the eldest and is married and has one child. Our father has recently returned from a mission in the Southern States, and has since, served a term in the Idaho Penetentiary of five months. Of ^course^ this, together with his long experience of Under ground life, has had a tendency to reduce the family in a financial way, and as yet, we think it can scarcely be said that we are squarely on
Letter from William Budge, 17 September 1889
President W Woodruff Dear Bro I write to recommend that Elder Herbert Horsley of Soda Springs be sendt on a mission to Europe. He is a man of integrity and liberal in assisting the cause, but having been engaged in business somewhat extensivly and mixing with men of the world I am anxious that he have a change for his own good, and to assist in preaching the Gospel to the nation. It will be remembered that I mentioned this matter to you while here. It is also desirable, if it meets your mind, that Bro Horsly receive early notice that he may be able to leave just after the coming general Conf[eren]ce with two other faithful Elders from this Stake I am very respectfully Your Bro Wm Budge Bro George. This name approved Please notify him LJn


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Sep 17, 1889