Day in the Life

Jan 8, 1890

Journal Entry

January 08, 1890 ~ Wednesday

8 I signed 8 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I wrote 3 public Letters I Attended the Dedication
of Charles H Wilken House & took supper we
had Beautiful Music & singing


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Letter from Charles E. Malmström, 8 January 1890

Add: Springville . Utah Co U.T. Wilford Woodruff Esq. Dear Sir! The situation your Church is in, and as you are the head of that Church; your situation is at present extremly precarious, I have a scheme to offer you, that would make you and your Church triumph and gain a complete Victory, and I garrantee that Utah would be- come a state within five years if you manipu- late this scheme as I will tell you. I am surpris- ed you have not hit upon it long before now, it is not against the principles of your faith; and and is nothing worse than what your people voted for in the late Constitution, yet the scheme is such that the Gentiles can not possibly discover the trick at all, if you but have from 25 to 50 thousand of your people you can depend upon; that would do as you tell them, when you first get to hear it you will be extremely glad as it will save you from de- struction and disgrace, and would cause all of your

Letter from John Sears, 8 January 1890

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Will you kindly permit me to call your attention to a Matter which I think will interest you. Namely, that of Bro A. J. Miller, the person who appeared at the Tabernacle during the services on Sunday in a peculiar dress, causing some little excitement President Woodruff, I have known Bro Miller for a number of years and he has always been a quiet good Neighbour, inofencive, and forbearing towards those ^whose^ vile natures prompted them to persecute him.

Letter from George Teasdale, 8 January 1890

President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, U. T. Dear Brother: We have had quite a visit from Elder F. F. Hintze, from the Turkish Mission. There was no vessel of the Guion Line sailing on the Saturday following his arrival, consequently he was detained here until last Saturday, the 4th inst, when he left here per Guion S. S. Wyoming en route to Utah. He was accompanied by Elder John McKellar, from Tooele, who arriv- ed here April 26th, 1889, and was appointed to labor in Scotland. He is 60 years of age and has been indisposed, more or less, ever since he has been here. Prest Whitaker, before he left, re- commended he should be released, but Bro. Mckellar did not want to be, and so it stood over until I attended the Conference of the Scottish Mission, December 28 & 29th when I found him suffering at the Conference House He was unable to attend the Conference, and on Monday at a council of the priesthood it was unanimously resolved to release Bro Mc Kellar to return home in consideration of his delicate health & age, and he was satisfied to return

Letter from John William Frederick Volker, 8 January 1890

Ogden, Utah To the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Salt Lake Dear Brethren—Being interested in the Holland or Dutch Mission I adres you a few lines hoping that I am not going out of my place thus adressing you. My object in writing is this. Having filled two successfull missions on that part of the Lord's Vineyard, having presided there during my last mission for a period of 4 years and 3 months and being greatly blessed of the Lord in spreading the gospel and fixing the mission in a good condition and a prosperous one is it that I am greatly interested being a native of that Country I have great love for my fellow countrymen that they might have every oppor- tunity of hearing and receiving the gospel of the Son of God. I have just received a couple of letters of two missionaries over there and also from some of the Saints that on account of the few laborers that are there, the mission does not remain in the position as I left it but is a little going down It is true there are 7 missionaries over there including Br F. A. Brown who is President, but there are only three that can preach the gospel, four are English and cannot speak having to learn the language and Pres. F. A. Brown is 67 years old and cannot labor as he would like. Being fully acquainted with the mission I know it will take

Letter from William Budge, 8 January 1890

President W Woodruff Dear Bro When we visited Judge Wilson on Saterday last we found that he was engaged so that he could not possably appear before the Senate Committee on Monday, and if he had, had time he could not well have been prepared. He received us very kindly however, and en- tered into the spirit of our business. He had some confidence that the committee would at his Solitation delay the hearing one week, and he promised to see Senator Stewart on the Sunday in furthaerance of that object. I called on the Judge on Monday morning. He had not been able to see Stewart, but left a letter at his hotel. Expressing my anxiety, the Judge gave me a letter to Senator Platt chairman of the committee which I took up it being about time for the committee to meet. The letter was read, Stewart who was present also read the one he had received. I waited an answer. After some general remarks including


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.
Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Jan 8, 1890