Day in the Life

Jan 11, 1890

Journal Entry

January 11, 1890 ~ Saturday

Jan 11. I signed 28 Recommends I received 9 Letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to Emma Ferguson, & Milton
several Members of the Legislature called upon us
this Morning

Keys crossed A crown The following is the sum total of the work done
in the three Temples at St George Manti, & & Logan
since they were dedicated and opened & work comm[ence]d
This work {[illegible shorthand]} both for the Living & the Dead

Baptized 499,958 Endowed 209,544. Ordained 77295.
couple sealed 69271. children sealed to parents 22845.
Adoptions 8751. Seconed Anointings 3812.

This is a glorious work both for the Living & the Dead


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1029 mentions
Snow, Milton Woodruff
7 Feb 1868 - 24 Jan 1943
24 mentions


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Letter from George Teasdale, 11 January 1890
President Wilford woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Our last seasons emigration, under the blessing of God was a wonderful success. It was conducted quietly and well. Mr Gibson has been all we could have asked. I think it proper in view of arrangements being made for another sea- son to quote a portion of a letter Mr Gibson wrote to Mr Ramsden—"The "Mormons" have been fortunate in having the Old Dominion route to go by, else a lot of trouble would be in store for them at Castle Gardens . . . I am aware that Salt Lake people are agitating on all rail routes for next season and I wish to say in time that I cannot for- ward the "Mormons" as successfully via the rail as via present arrangement If the people are left in Castle Gardens they get beyond our controls are subject to annoyances and delay and they get scattered." Mr Ramsden is very anxious this should be understood if we continue as heretofore. He is just as much interest- ed in our emigration as ever. We found
Letter from Frederick Reber Jr., 11 January 1890
Santa Clara . President Wilford Woodruff. Salt lake City. Dear Brother, It was wiht surprise that I receaved your letter and read your request as being called on a Mis^s^ion to Switzerland and Germany. I allmost feel to ignorant for such a calling, and being a new starter in life, and not being so well off in Earthly richis, and allso not haveing bin able to abbecome a U. St. Citizen. Some one sed that a man can not go on a mission unless he is a Citizen. Dear Borother this is my answer I do not wish to be excused no not at all, if I only had means I would your re accept your call at once, tharefore I am in your hands if you sas go. I will exirt myself to the utmost to obtain means ^to go^ and fullfill the mission
Letter from John Hafen, 11 January 1890
Santa Clara President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother, In reply to yours of the 6th I must say I was much surprised at the call made of me, but my feelings are to go and do the best I can inasmuch as my name has been sug- gested. I have no ready cash on hand what- ever but I have other property that I would try and dispose of in order to raise the means. In regards to my physical strength I don't know wether I could stand constant walking or not, as I had one of my legs broken between the knee and hip last June and my leg is not as strong yet as the other one, but I feel to leave the matter with you to decide. John Hafen. John G. Hafen Bp. per Jacob Tobler couns.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.
Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Jan 11, 1890