Day in the Life

Jan 20, 1890

Journal Entry

January 20, 1890 ~ Monday

20 I went to the Gardo & met with the Twelve and others
upon Matters of Business I had company all day
I signed 12 Recommends I received 8 Letters I wrote Letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote to President Bennion to Henry & to Nellie all with
the Type writer I wrote 20 pages


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Woodruff, Emma Manella
4 Jul 1860 - 30 Nov 1905
245 mentions
Woodruff, Henry Eugene
6 Apr 1883 - 23 Mar 1970
18 mentions


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Letter from Daniel Duncan McArthur, A. W. Ivins, and Erastus B. Snow, 20 January 1890

Mon. . The following is copy of letter sent to President Wilford Woodruff and Counselors this date: "Dear Brethren: The Presidency of this Stake with the High Council have been considering measures to put some of our Wards in a more thrifty condition, and have decided to submit the following changes: Harmony Ward has been for years without its Bishop, Wilson D. Pace; and his Counselors, for a couple of years, have also been absent. The Bishop's son, Lemuel A. Pace, has been acting Bishop, but does not give satisfaction. Brother William A. Redd, late returned mis- sionary is suggested as Bishop, and James

Letter from Angus Taylor Wright, 20 January 1890

Te Aroha, N. Zealand Jany 20 [18]90 Presidents Wilford Woodruff Geo Q. Cannon and Jos F. Smith. My Dearly Beloved Bretheren: We were very much pleased indeed to receive your kind and interesting epistle of the 11 ult. and will endeavor to put your [v]aluable instructions into prac- tice. We can fully indorse your remarks in which you say that opposition is preferable to apathy, having recently experienced the former, and in consequence had several European additions in a part where a minister had been lecturing against us. We are pleased to hear that we may expect two more mis-

Letter from James Edward Talmage, 20 January 1890

Salt Lake City, Utah, . President WILFORD WOODRUFF, Salt Lake City; Dear Brother: The FACULTY of the L.D.S. COLLEGE have been for some time anxious to gain the assistance of Elder GEORGE REYNOLDS as a lecturer and instructor in our advanced BOOK of MORMON classes. I recently approached Brother Reynolds on the subject, and learn with pleasure that he in willing to so aid us, if he can do so without detriment to his more pressing and regular duties. I respect- fully ask your consideration of the matter, and that if not inconsistent with your requirements of Elder Reynold's time, you will kindly consent to his attending the Theological exercises of our school from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week. These are the times at present allotted on our programme to Book of Mor- mon study, though if any other hours would be more convenient to yourself in sparing Brother Reynolds, or to him in coming, we would endeavor to make any necessary changes. Trusting that you will favorably consider this request, and wishing you health, peace and protection, I am sincerely yours, J. E. Talmage

Letter from Ira Nathaniel Hinckley, 20 January 1890

Presd Willford Woodruff Dear Brother we are struggling hard to keep up our academy, & have this far succeeded In maintaining its reputation we have an excellent school, and Quorum of teachers. But we are Involved in finding means to pay our teachers. You thuroughly understand our Tuition fees do not more than half meet our expenses we have found your assistance from the office quite a help to us, but we have been unable to get our orders filled in the county which has necessitated us to hire money rather than have the interest of the Institution go down. And we would respectfully solicite your assistance in our behalf the past year, and allow us to use Store pay and some sheep that can be got from tithing to Liquidate our Indeptedness as there is no Hay or Grain that can be got this season to assist us, and understanding that this ^kind^ of property has been reserved from us on these orders. we kindly ask you if you possible can to give us this freedom so that we may be enabled to meet our obligations and stop the payment of Interest praying God to Bless you with a fair understanding of our condition and desires we remain Your Bros in the Gospel I. N. Hinckly R J. D. Smith [illegible]

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid 10 pm at Monthly Do[nation] 10 [20] sundries {shorthand} 25 [20] Cash on Coal & Asphalt on Shop 5

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Received cash from H. S. Wooller & Elizabeth P. R. Wooller for Divorce 10 00


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.
Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Jan 20, 1890