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Day in the Life

Jan 28, 1890

Journal Entry

January 28, 1890 ~ Tuesday

28. I signed 6 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I spent the night at the farm I wrote 1 Letter 6 Miles


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Letter from M. Eva Wood, 28 January 1890
Spokane Falls, Jan. 28, 1890 Wilford Woodruff, President Church of Latter Day Saints: Possess your Souls in peace and patience, you are commanded to not resist the evil your enemies would perpetrate against you. The bitter Spirit which they now display shall in time be turned against them and in your hand become as a two edged sword utterly dis- comfitting your adversaries. To your tents, O! Israel:
Letter to William Atkin, 28 January 1890
S. L. City, Elder William Atkin, Dear Brother: Your letter of the 20th inst, came duly to hand. I am very sorry for the afflictions of Sister Mary and sincerely hope she is much better before this, and will soon be fully recovered and I am pleased to hear that you and the most of your family are enjoying fair health. The heavy damages done by the floods in the Rio Virgin, are extremely lamentable. but I hope the losses may in some measure be com- pensated by the increased safety and facilities accruing from the new arrangements now in contemplation, for taking the water out farther up the stream. I understand a large amount of land will be brought under irrigation by the new canal, which should be awarded in some way to those whose lands have been washed away. I hope you and your daughter from San Pete will enjoy a most pleasant and agreeable visit.


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Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Jan 28, 1890