Day in the Life

Feb 3, 1890

Journal Entry

February 03, 1890 ~ Monday

3. I signed 28 Recommends I received 17 Letters

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Letter from Edwin Woodring, 3 February 1890

AD Louisa Co Iowa. To The Head of The Mormon Church. I have Invented a Hoisting Machine of Great Value. For which I have sent $15.00 To the U. S. Patent Office in 1886 to get it Patented. on which I Claim a Patent because They have kept Me Out of a Naumber of Millions of Dollars, and Robbed The World of The Use, of This Invau- luable Machine. Which will make it One half Cheap and Eacyer to make Your Canal of which I have heard in The News Paper. For which I ask Five Thousand Dollar's for One Individual, Right for one Machine. Your Servant Eadwin Woodring. Direct Cotter station, Clifton P. O. Louisa Co. Iowa.

Letter from August Haage, 3 February 1890

Mount Pleasant . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Yours of the 30th received, dand in regard to your questions I will try to answer them. I had come from Switzerland 5 years ago had resided in Mt Pleasant ever since. So I had been suffering for many years one [on] a swelling in my throat and instead getting better the swelling increases with [which] mak[e]s my breathing very difficult, and I would not be able to walk any distance, there fore I would be afraid that I could not be of any use as a Missionary. Further I am intirely without means of helping myself but, even this would

Letter from Adolphus C. McGuigan, 3 February 1890

President Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Sir I am a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court and of the Supreme Court of several of the states, with an experiance of 25 years practice will you be good enough to answer this at once and tell me if a very good lawyer could make a living and some money in your city I think under the present persecution of the Church If I lived in your city I could be benefit to you and your poeple as a lawyer if you can do any thing for me I could come out and look over the field there are a number of persons in this city and section of your faith that would like to go to your city but some have no money, if you could send missionarys mony many would go in the Spring and Summer if any of your poeple are at law and desire my proffessional services I will cheerfuly go to your place and assist them, I write this letter to you as the head of the Church and because I know of no other person to write to and I believe you will answer it, and I assure you that

Letter from Rasmus Sorenson, 3 February 1890

Lavan Juab Co. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother yor Letter of the 30 Januar I hav receivt. In Anser to this I say, Regard to this Call I feeil Well. Weilleng to accept it, tray to Due my Weri Beest. Be In Salt Lake to the Appointed tiim. I am Born in []Denmark|Danmark]] Aarhuus Conferens your Brother in the Gospel Rasmus Sorenson Niels Aagaard Bp

Letter from George W. Olney, 3 February 1890

W W. Woodruff President, Salt Lake City, U. T. Dear Sir The article which was inclosed with your favor of the 10th of December, was received in time for insertion in The World Almanac for 1890, and we beg to thank you for preparing the same. A copy of the almanac has been mailed to your address and I think that you will find that the statement was printed without alteration. As to the effect of its publication you may gather some idea from the inclosed communi cation just received. Very Truly yours Geo. W. Olney Editor The World Almanac P.O. Box 2297 N. Y.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

for sundris $25 shoping key 1 26


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Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Feb 3, 1890