Day in the Life

Feb 4, 1890

Journal Entry

February 04, 1890 ~ Tuesday

4 I signed 27 Recommend I received 13 Letters

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Letter to Robert James Dugdal, 30 January 1890
Nephi To Prest W. Woodruff Dear Bror Your favor of Jan 30 [18]90 Was duly received at Nephi yesterday And contents noted I will be on Hand to go at the appointed time Your Brother In the Gospel Covenant Robert James Dugdale Myron Tanner Bishop
Letter from Edmund Lysander Terry, 4 February 1890
Fairview President Woodruff Dear Brothe yours of 28th at hand and contents noted, and in Reply will say, that I am sorry to say that my Finantial affairs is in such a condition, that if I had to starte at the time you mention in you Letter, it would be almose im posible to git my business in shape by that time. I will state to you my objections of going now. when Bro sandrsson came to me and asked me what I thought about going on a mission, I gave him my Objection on the matter, and he said that he Did not think
Letter from Richard Franklin Jardine, Orrin Maine Myler, and William Adelbert Walker, 4 February 1890
Lewisville Bingham Co Prest. W. Woodruff Dear Brother There is a few points which we wish to lay before you as they are existing with us here in Lewisville Ward Four years ago we were enjoying the privelige of a School Dist we hired a teacher of our faith he got a permit from the County superentendent and after he had taught a short time his permit was revoked and he could not get his pay the people had to pay him then the Supt Sent us a teacher of his own choice and I would not allow him to teach in our meeting house and he went back and reported to Co Supt and the consequences was that our District was thrown out then we was counciled by the Stake Prest to try and get our District reestablished again and after working for some time we got it reestablished and in order to get School trustees Some of our brethren had to with draw from the Church then we could not get a Teacher that would take the test oath and come here and teach our school our trustees wrote to Logan and to Provo and could not get a teacher that would come and teake our School Prest Ricks counciled us to do the best we could our trustees hired a teacher not of our feith but he is a good teacher and a moral man and I hired our meeting house for one year to the school trustees


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Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Feb 4, 1890