Day in the Life

Feb 6, 1890

Journal Entry

February 06, 1890 ~ Thursday

6. I signed 19 Recommends I received 17 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters Public we had a liberal Procession
through the street numbering about 800 I went to the farm


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Letter from Gustav Adolf Ludwig Haag, 6 February 1890

Payson, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear brother: Your favor of Jan 30st was duly recieved. In regard to the call made upon me as a Missionary to Schwitzer- land and Germany I esteem it a great pri- velegde, and it is my earnest desire to res- pond to the call, but my circumstances are such to hinder me from going at that early date March 19th 1890. I have been building this last summer and been not able since to clear myself and owe at present some- thing over $400.00 I am not able to state how soon I can pay my debts, but would kindly ask you to postpone my call for future time and if you desire I can make a report or statement and ^at^ any

Letter from Friedrich Dieterle, 6 February 1890

To the Ffirst Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints: Beloved Brethren, It becomes my painful duty to commnu- itcate to you the sor^r^owful news, that our dear Brother in Christ, and fellow laborer, Elder Edgar D. Simmons, departed this life day before yesterday, Tuesday, ^the^ 4th of February 1890 at 2 p.m. after sickness of 2 weeks, of which the last 8 days have been very painful. He died onf the small pocksx, his last moments, however, were peaceful. His voice began to fail him ^gradually^ during the last days of his sickness, and during the last day he was allmost unable to speak, but he was able to understand questions put to him. This is a sorrowful event for the whole Church of Jesus Christ as also for the relatives of the deceased, but it is a consolation to us all,

Letter from Jonathan Nicolai Laumann, 6 February 1890

[upside down text] "P. S. I am now 62 years old," J. N. Laumann. [end upside down text] Kelsey, Cala February 6th 1890. Hon. Wilford Woodruff - Salt Lake City, Utah, Dear Sir, I write you for a little information. As I was a boy living among the Mormons & was acquainted with many of them. Howevr I do not remember you. I lived 4 miles from Montrose, Lee Co, Iowa And remember well the time you left Nauvoo, & camped near us on Sugar Creek. My Mastur

Letter from Ferdinand Friis Hintze, 6 February 1890

^^ President Wilford Woodruff & Councillors, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethern. In compliance with your request I cheer- fully place on paper my report of the Turkish mis- sion, and hope I may be able to so write as to give you a proper and comprehensive understand- ing of the work of the Lord in that part of His vineyard. I left Utah for my field of labor in Turkey on the first day of Nov. 1886 and arrived in Constanti ple on the 16th of Jan. 1887 remaining about 6 weeks in England in order to obtain a passport. Shortly af- ter arriving at Constantinople I was appointed by Prest. Jacob Spori & Elder J. M. Tanner to the Armenian quarter of Stamboul there to live and study the Turkish language and to become better aquainted with ^the^ natives and their customs. I at once began studying the Turkish langu- age which I was quite successful in acquiring for the purposes required. We, however, found but little response among the people in Constan tinople, but it soon became evident that we could do some work in the interior of Asia Minor, wherefore, I recommended 2 more Elders to come to my assistance. Shortly after, about Nov. 1887, Elder James Clove arrived, who after staying about 2 year became sick and was

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Dr to Cash per Emma 10 See page 12 $37 80


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Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Feb 6, 1890